Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

It is worth to seek any diet - and you can get hundreds of options to limit and optimize the diet, each of which has its pluses and minuses. But the majority of slimming faced with the fact that after the course the weight comes back, and sometimes in excess. Therefore, it is recommended to refer to the healthy nutrition specialists who will help you choose an individual power circuit and load for you personally. Diet Margarita Koroleva, Moscow's famous nutritionist - this is exactly what owe their new forms of contemporary pop stars.

Proven methods

Why do most of the systems for weight loss fiasco? Because they are based on the simple principle of the diet restrictions, without taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and its needs. In the process of weight loss there are all sorts of distortions in the system, the metabolism, which causes a new set of body fat.

Diet Queen Marguerite became the most popular in Russia, as well as services of a specialist. To develop a coherent methodology she spent 20 years. Today, these costs fully repaid due to the large number of regular customers. The system is a variant of express diets, as calculated by only 9 days. Its unique feature is the use of mono-diet, which are based on split meals.

Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

General Description

Diet Queen Marguerite is of interest is the fact that you do not offer the entire course eat some apples, buckwheat or barley. The undeniable advantage is the fact that the developer is divided into 3 phases diet. Each of them has its main product. This makes it possible not to break and to achieve the desired result.

Nutritionists say that before you go on a diet, you need to thoroughly prepare yourself. In particular, this system is suitable for those who have already normalized power. That is the Queen Margaret's diet can be used periodically to keep in shape or in preparation for the important event. If a person is accustomed to consume large amounts of food, such sudden changes can cause deterioration of state of health or seriously disrupt the metabolism.

General Description

Based on three meals diet built the famous Queen Marguerite. 9 days - that is how much it takes time. The basis of your diet is rice, boiled chicken or fish and steamed vegetables. In fact, this chain of mono-diet salt-free. Every three days, only one product on the menu.

Since the last diet Queen Margaret of 9 days, it can be classified as unloading. It is in this capacity, and it is recommended to use a period of not more than twice a year. Particularly relevant it is in the spring to remove all the excess accumulated over the winter.

Throughout the day, it is recommended to drink at least 2, 5 liters of water. This is a fundamental right which can not be neglected. Drink daily requirement of water is necessary for 8-10 doses. The first glass is recommended to drink in the morning 20 minutes before the meal. Judging by the reviews, Margarita Queen diet is difficult for beginners. But if you soak the first three days, then it will be much easier.

The first days - Preparation of

The task of the first trimester (so called developer opening days) - is to saturate the body with carbohydrates. It is a source of energy that is required to maintain power. Judging by the reviews, the diet Queen Margaret of the easiest people to maintain employment, which devote a whole day solving important issues. Then at the thought of food does not have enough time. And in the short breaks is a quick swallow captured with a portion of rice and to get back to business. Ideally, in order not to impede yourself every time you try to go to the kitchen.

Permissible foods

The first three days will have to muster the strength of will into a fist. At this time there are only permissible rice and honey, as well as drinking water. Cereals can be prepared at once for the whole day. It is recommended to use a white, long-grain varieties. Preparation is very simple, it is confirmed by one. Diet Queen Margaret's good because it is not necessary to prepare a lot of food for one day, it is ideal for busy people.

  • Take 250 g of rice and evening fill with cold water.
  • In the morning, rinse it and transfer to a saucepan.
  • Fig Pour the hot water in the ratio 1: 2 and boil for 15 minutes.

Ready volume of cereals should be divided into 6 meals. It turns pretty massive plate of porridge, as we are assured the people in their reviews. Diet Queen Margaret of 9 consecutive days does not offer one to eat rice. This is a great advantage of it. Three days on this diet, you can still survive, but the longer the rice has been unbearable.

Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

The last portion should be eaten no later than 20:00 pm. On the day you can afford no more than three teaspoons of honey, which can not be combined with rice and water.

protein diet

From the fourth to the sixth day diet more nutritious. This saturation period body protein and fat dissolution. In these days it is allowed only boiled chicken or lean fish. The best choice would be cod. Meat is eaten once a day, so it's time to cook you will leave very little. It would be nice to buy kitchen scales, at least about this device is often mentioned in a review. By Queen Margaret of 9 days to eat a diet to be certain products in strictly limited quantities. On day relies 1200g chicken or fish 800 g. Allowed the alternation of fish and meat days. But mixed together, these products can not.

The easiest period is mid-9-day diet Queen Margaret's. High nutritional protein diet will not experience the discomfort of hunger. A method of cooking meat:

  • can be boiled in water, but it is best to cook it in a double boiler. This can be done in the evening to the morning have breakfast ready.
  • Ready volume of meat should be divided into 6 equal portions and eat during the day.
  • may be added to each serving a little greenery. A pair of sprigs of dill only enliven a meal.
Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

The last three days - binding

Do not forget to make advance your photo. Diet Queen Margaret of so much change your appearance, the contrast will be very noticeable. It remains the last stage, for three days - and the diet is over. From 7 to 9 days is only permitted kilogram of cooked vegetables and water.

Very soon you will be able to enjoy the changes that await you after 9 days. The diet allows you to reset the Queen Margarita of about 10 kilograms. An excellent result, which dreams of almost everyone losing weight. But let's go back to the diet of the past three days. Preference should be given to the white and green vegetables. This zucchini and cabbage, cucumbers and onions. Carrots and beets, as well as other colorful vegetables should be included in the diet in smaller amounts. Recommended half boiled vegetables, and the other to chop salads raw.

The entire volume is necessary to prepare in the morning, after which habitually divided into 6 portions. Last meal - at 19:00. Permissible to add to the diet of three teaspoons of honey, can be dissolved in water. On the last day allowed to replace part of the water unsweetened green tea.

Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

Before and after

Queen Margaret's diet is characterized by its efficiency. Judging by the numerous reviews, the hardest are the first three days. Rice and water - this is an extremely poor diet, it brightens up badly, even honey. But life is much more fun from the fourth day. Those who can not do without meat, the worst seems past, vegetable days. But in general, the results are quite comparable with the moral and physical effort that you are making.

By the way, the results strongly depend on the initial weight with which you have decided to start losing weight. As a rule, medium build people lose up to five kilos, which is very noticeable. If the original weight is large, the actual lose up to 10 kg. When the numbers are closer to normal, the loss will slow down.

And if you repeat

Strict diet - it's a lot of stress to your body. Queen Margaret's diet menu monotonous and meager, so the body will suffer from a lack of necessary materials. Diet is divided into three periods allows to smooth out this time. But for the normal functioning of your body every day need a full set of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals.

to such a strict diet can not be resorting more frequently than every 6 months. And of course, do not forget to consult a doctor. Contraindication is diabetes, anemia, pregnancy and lactation, age under 16 years.

Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

A good alternative to

If you urgently need to correct the line of your figure, then that is enough 9 days diet Queen Margaret's. The results are so impressive that I want today to join the slender ranks of losing weight on this system. But do not forget that this does not negate the need to learn to eat right every day. Otherwise, you return quickly to where you started.

Therefore, if you do not care about short-term results, but always good shape, it will be much more useful to learn how to eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this case, the weight normalized itself. Of course, the time it will take a little more than a week. But the results are guaranteed to remain with you for a long time. All the more so after the diet program is becoming even more pressing. After all, to lose weight - it's half the battle, it is much more difficult to keep.

The tenth day

Queen Margaret's diet results pleased the majority of women. But the very next day, another question arises. As it is now to save the results? The answer is: you have to watch your diet, avoid overeating. Lose weight once and for all - it's real. It is not necessary each time to change clothes, when you lose weight and get better. Suffice it to adhere to the principles of fractional power. Ideally, the daily rate of product should not exceed one kilogram. Divide it into five meals, obtained 200 g That is, portions should be such that you naedites, but do not overeat. Remember portions in canteens, they are often much smaller home. But lunch to work, you have to load up, it means that this volume will be enough and at home.

The intervals between meals should not be very large. Ideally, there should be three full meals and two or three snacks. In two hours, you will not have time to very hungry. Judging by the reviews, many are surprised at first. It's time to bite again, and the feeling of hunger yet. Accordingly, from the small pieces of food a person will have more fun and saturation.

Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

Principles of separate food

Only at first glance to eat properly - it's hard. You need only a little reconsider their taste preferences, and soon you feel that the only way to eat. It is on these principles and diet Queen Margaret's built. Feedback and results are direct proof that a change of eating behavior affects the appearance and well-being.

What do you mean separate meals? No need to be an expert in nutrition, to follow its principles. That is, to abandon the multi-dishes, often seasoned with fatty sauces. The simpler the food, the better. One meal - porridge, lunch - boiled meat, the third - vegetables. And so on. There are products that combine well with each other. This greens and meat, vegetables and fish. But stewed potatoes with meat and bread a bit of sugar - it does no good.

The last meal is recommended no later than 19:00 finish. If the appetite in the evening was played in earnest, you can drink green tea or low-fat yogurt, eat a green apple or an orange. It will go to sleep without thinking about food.

Learn to eat right

Often we overeat because during the meal quite busy with other things. We read correspondence, compiling a list of cases and discuss the problem. And in addition, we take the time, have a snack on the run. As a result, do not have time to feel the taste of the food, enjoy it. But then, as you absorb the food - this is the key point. There must be slowly chewing each bite 30 times. Then, he has time to soak up saliva, and you can enjoy its taste. This is important for the normal operation of the stomach and intestines.

An experiment was conducted, during which gathered several groups of people who want to lose weight. One group gave up salt, the other from the sweet, and the third has been allowed even cakes, but each piece of caught in the mouth, a person had to chew for 30 seconds. As a result, in 10 minutes you can put in your mouth, only 20 pieces. The result is striking: in the third group of indicators were better than others, but people were not restricted in their choice of products.

More water and fiber,

Queen Margaret advises his patients to pay special attention to these components. Foods high in fiber make it possible to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time and do not overeat. In addition, it acts as a scrub for the intestines. Water - it does the foundation of life. Every cell in the body needs it. Therefore, increasing the amount you drink, you make contributions to your health and beauty. But there is a small nuance. Gastric juice has a certain concentration. If you dilute it with water, that is, drink it immediately before a meal or immediately after, the quality of food digestion deteriorates.

Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

Stress is bad for the figure

It really is. Any stress, self-doubt and the future often translate into a desire to pamper yourself with tasty. But doubts about the effectiveness of diets lead to breakdowns. Here works best concepts replace appliances that consider this very tasty. It is not only cakes and belyashi. These include apples, apricots, prunes, and low-fat cottage cheese. So, any pessimistic mood - your enemy. That is what we are usually seized and sweet. And this leads to the return of the lost kilos and set new ones. The well-known nutritionist says that the process of shedding excess weight and a set of very simple. And in order to avoid the latter, did not have to do complex. The main thing - it's putting things in order inside. If you feel that inner peace is not, and are trying to compensate for this meal, it's time to consult a psychologist. After that, the diet will give a much more significant result. And you can keep it at the expense of fasting days and diet.

The rules of healthy nutrition

By following them, you will permanently save the desired shape. This is confirmed by the numerous reviews. Before and after the diet Queen Margaret's astounding results - a difference of 7-10 kg. And everyone who has reached such an effect, I want to keep it. Nothing could be easier. You just need to follow certain rules:

  • need to eat consciously, savoring every bite. After all, the food - it is not only the energy and fun, it also has medicinal properties.
  • Exclude from the diet of refined products. This bleached grains and sugar. You can use honey instead of salt added to food shredded seaweed.
  • Salads is better not to fill completely or use a minimal amount of oil.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water.
  • The amount of each portion should be about 200-250 g
  • Turn on the diet of spicy spices and vegetables. It promotes the burning of fat.
  • When frying, use water instead of oil.

Instead of a conclusion

Diet Queen Margaret's menus, results, comments

Diet Queen Marguerite tested by thousands of people. It works, it is effective and suitable for most people. Unfortunately, it will not solve the obesity problem completely. This requires a rethink your diet, find the problem of excess kilograms and solve it. Only after this diet will be really effective. It will allow to lose weight and never recover. What others say nutritionists about this system? Most experts have similar opinions. Yes, it's quite a strict diet, which allows you to quickly swing the scales in the right direction. But that the result is preserved for many years or permanently, it requires a more radical approach to the issue of weight loss. In addition to changes in diet need to add more physical activity. So start walking to work on foot, are recorded in the gym, go swimming. Lose weight with pleasure!