How to use castor oil for hair
Historical data
How long have used castor oil for hair, as if no one would say, but we all know that for a very long time. Its amazing properties have been used in ancient times for the treatment of problems of the skin and hair, as a laxative, for the production of ointments and so on. D. Despite the abundance of all kinds of cosmetic products, it is a folk remedy does not lose its relevance. Castor oil for hair is considered one of the most popular and the best tools for the care, treatment and recovery.
Applications: cosmetology
Many are interested in the question of what is so useful castor oil for hair. The secret is in the big fatty acids, which are famous for its spectacular effect on the appearance and condition of the strands. The specific smell of castor oil discourages many women use it. This problem is solved, but not with the help of shampoos, and by adhering to an algorithm of actions. Before each use, a bottle of castor oil to be heated, and during the procedure, the hair wrap towel. That's the whole secret.
Why use?
Apply castor oil for hair growth, strengthen them, restore, as well as to combat hair loss and brittle, for giving shine and eliminating dandruff. It should be remembered that the effectiveness only occurs regularly exchange application. After the first use of the result, of course, is noticeable, but it must be secured so that it is preserved for a long time.
How to use?
The use of mask means gives amazing results, because they have a more pronounced effect on the problems and eliminate them in a short time. Hair mask of castor oil with the addition of the various components has several courses of action. For example, mixing alcohol with a medical this product, get an anti-hair loss, add brandy and strengthen them, olive oil with lemon eliminates dandruff, onion juice stimulates growth.
facilitates the use of
If there is no time to fiddle with the preparation of a mask, you can use castor oil for hair "go it alone". It suffices to hold the bottle for about 15 minutes in hot water and rub beneficial agent into the scalp. Remains distribute evenly through the hair. Oil is necessary to warm to enhance its effectiveness. After applying the head need to hide a towel and let stand for half an hour. Castor oil is washed off with a mild shampoo. When added to the castor oil aromatic oils unpleasant odor quickly eliminated. Regular use of this tool within a month gives amazing results.
Comments on the application of castor oil for hair
Women who experienced the funds based on castor oil, confirm their action. Curls are soft and strong, get healthy shine, easy to comb. Those who have used castor oil for a long time, say an improved hair growth and a lack of cross-section. This wonderful means absolutely accessible, in contrast to the analogues with the addition of expensive artificial additives. And the hair at the same time receive only healthy food.