Walnut oil - hair salvation

Nuts - a storehouse of nutrients and walnuts - the first among equals. Their unique structure, exceptional taste and aroma resulted in widespread use in various fields of life. Whole and crushed nuts are used in cooking, and pomace extracts of different parts of the plant are used in medicine, yourself nuts and oil from them - a frequent component of hair and skin care products.

Walnut oil in cosmetics

Walnut oil - hair salvation

In cosmetology used as chipped nut kernel and oil from it. Thanks to its unique bouquet of trace elements and vitamins, walnut oil for recovery and moisturizing all skin types. For those who have skin prone to irritation, it means all is salvation: after application you will feel a great relief. Leave redness and peeling, itching will disappear and a feeling of tightness. The skin after application of walnut oil becomes much softer, cracks and heal minor wounds. After regular use increases the elasticity, wrinkles disappear. It can be applied as a pure oil, and add the various components in it. Ideal for aging skin mask, which includes egg yolk, a little honey and butter. The resulting composition is applied, hold 20-35 minutes, then removed with warm water, apply favorite cream. Walnut oil for hair

To restore silkiness and shine to the hair, to solve the problem of hair loss and strengthen the roots of using this medium as masks. Oil

Walnut oil - hair salvation

walnut experts recommend simply rub into the roots. The hair is then wrap and an hour or two to wash and rinse. Very effective mask with honey (approximately 1 teaspoon) and egg yolk, to which was added walnut oil (2 tbsp. Spoons). The mixture was applied on the scalp is rubbed with gentle movements, and then distributed through the hair. Half an hour later wash your hair with shampoo. Another option restoring mask: take in equal parts shampoo, lemon juice, walnut oil, add one egg yolk quail egg. All mix thoroughly and apply. After an hour or two rinse and rinse slightly acidulated water. This mask makes hair obedient and silky. If you do not have oil, you can use the walnut kernels. Them

Walnut oil - hair salvation

is crushed in a mortar, add a little milk. The resultant mass was thoroughly mixed and applied to the entire length of the hair. After a half an hour wash. Shine on this procedure, the hair will be even better than that of silicon, and the use of this composition will bring far greater. Walnut oil for "internal" use of

This miracle cure is not only used externally. It is used for the treatment and recovery of the gastrointestinal tract, for the relief of heartburn and restore appetite. Regular ingestion can improve the elasticity of the capillaries of the brain, leading to the restoration of visual acuity, the disappearance of chronic fatigue syndrome and improved sleep. Packs of walnut oil helps to get rid of otitis media and sinusitis, promotes regeneration after irradiation (radiation and X-ray).