Hair mask from the egg - first aid your mane

Modern women are trying to busy schedule aside time to himself. It is not surprising, because you always want to look beautiful and well-groomed. This is the key to success, good mood. But it is difficult to achieve the ideal of beauty. In particular this applies to hair. Indeed, today there are many products for hair care, but not always as salon techniques can help. As a rule, the most popular mask of home products, such as olive oil, onion, aloe vera, seasonal fruit and so on. The most popular is the hair mask from an egg.

Hair mask from the egg - first aid your mane

The use of household masks

Home hair mask - a source of vitamins. These natural products are ideal for the care of damaged, brittle, dry, fatty curls. For example, the mask for damaged hair is easy to cook at home from improvised means, it does not always have the opportunity to purchase expensive shampoos in the stores. The composition may include products that stand at us on the refrigerator shelves, and grow on a windowsill. Chicken eggs have probably in every home. They are valued not only cooks, but also by cosmetologists. Eggs are rich in vitamins, fats, amino acids and lecithin, which are necessary for normal growth of hair. The most valuable is the yolk, although protein can also be used. So, if you want to have beautiful and healthy hair, you will come to the aid of hair mask from an egg. In addition, the successful combination of products to help cope with all the problems, such as oiliness, dryness, hair loss, poor growth, dullness and so on. D. Hair mask from the egg - first aid your mane

Hair Mask for oily eggs shag

Take two or three egg yolks (depending on the length and thickness of shag) and carefully whisk them in a small bowl. Add three dessert spoons of brandy or tinctures of calendula, two tablespoons of olive oil (you can use almond oil, grape seed oil, or coconut). All mix thoroughly, rub into the roots and throughout the length. Toothed comb to distribute better, but if the hair is too thick, you just need abundant and carefully put the whole mass. Wrap up head with a warm towel and hold for about two hours. Rinse gently in cool water.

hair mask from an egg to dry and damaged tresses

To hair looked healthy, take two or three egg yolks and mix them with olive oil. Add a few drops of vitamin A (you can buy it in pharmacies), almond oil, aloe vera juice, all mixed. Apply on hair, rub into the roots, spread across the length and leave for two hours. Rinse with warm water.

Hair mask from the egg - first aid your mane

hair mask from the egg to the normal head of hair Even healthy hair needs to be strengthened. Hair mask of eggs is an excellent means to stimulate the growth and maintenance of their general condition. Several yolks mixed with grape seed oil, burdock oil and dessert spoon of tincture of calendula. Rub into the roots and spread throughout the length and wrap a towel. Three hours later, thoroughly rinse shampoo. This mask from the eggs of hair will be a great assistant. It will strengthen the roots and restore shine to your hair. Be beautiful!