Flakes "Fitness": composition, caloric. Flakes "Fitness": reviews nutritionists

A good figure is the guarantee of success. That is so say almost all women and men the lion's share. Trim, handsome man, successful in career and personal life. He is mobile and is light on your feet. But keep in shape - not such a simple exercise, and if you have to much to lose weight, you have to work even more. After all, you need to limit yourself to food, weight and exercise at the same time to comply with the measure in everything. Many girls start using flakes "Fitness", reviews of which are encouraging.

The success of the brand


It is necessary to say that the manufacturer - the company "Nestle" - has a good reputation due to the abundance of goods for children and adults. Experts of the company set a goal to offer to those who support the shape, tasty and healthy breakfast. People of all ages love to start the day with cereal dishes. They can be filled with milk, yogurt or yogurt. This dish will satisfy you until dinner. If you include it in your daily diet, it is possible to successfully alternate muesli, corn flakes and cereals. Agree process of losing weight will be more enjoyable if you allow yourself every day a little bit sweet. But do not entirely rely on the miraculous product and replace them all meals.

For a beautiful figure


may appear in the diet flakes "Fitness" for advertising purposes. Reviews it receives the polar opposite, but one thing you can not dispute - a clear adherence to diet menu allows you to get rid of the three kilos in two weeks. With much weight you can lose 5 kg, as well as a good water out, the result will leave a few centimeters from the waist and hips. This diet is not hard, it will certainly attract supporters slim figure. But it should be noted that product manufacturers are offering their diet people without serious problems with weight, as for the recommended time period considerable weight can not be reset. But can be purchased at this time useful habit - eating breakfast cereal "Fitness" for weight loss.


Reviews audience

Mainly concerned with weight loss problem of the fair sex. Therefore, the orientation of the girls at the company correctly. In the pack there are flavors, so you will not eat empty flakes, and can treat yourself to the taste of chocolate or strawberry. Hypothetically pack is designed for 2 weeks, with the condition that you follow a diet and allow yourself a portion of cereal in the morning and instead of one main meal. But often murmur cause consumers flakes Nestle "Fitness". Reviews of such a nature due to the relatively high price. Even by the standards of Western countries to the price of 150-200 rubles, it seems absurd. On adjacent shelves you can find all sorts of corn and wholegrain cereals in less attractive containers, but at more attractive prices. Is it worth paying more?

Product Benefits

If we hesitate, not knowing in the shop front of the stand with a dry breakfast, what to choose: the usual oatmeal or cereal "Fitness", similar reviews will help sensible. Try to assemble a picture together.


So the classic oatmeal has become a stereotype, and even children, who it never tried to advance its not like. Confused unappetizing view of oatmeal, it is almost no odor, grayish color. Yes, we all know that this is a very useful and nourishing porridge, which is warm, launch the work of the body and prevent the emergence of feelings of hunger until dinner, but eat it with pleasure? Want breakfast is not only useful but also delicious? Choose Flakes "Nestle. Fitness"! Reviews of children primarily address the positive bright packaging. Girls celebrate delicate flavor and quick cooking. In today's hectic lifestyle for food is running out of time, which leads to a quick snack, the popularization of hamburgers, which choke the hunger for an hour, but at the same time provoke obesity and vascular occlusion. Much easier and more enjoyable to work to fill cereal with milk and get a complete meal. By the time you will spend a few seconds, while the classic oatmeal will have to cook for 20 minutes, flavoring butter and sugar to get a pleasant taste.

What about the benefits?

If you are considering the idea to include "Fitness" cereal in the diet, real caloric and contraindications to the use you will be interested in the first place. We all know that fast food, in essence, are semi-finished goods, which implies a high glycemic index and weak saturation. So, can we make a mistake, hoping to lose weight with the help of such a product? Well, for the loyal followers of proper nutrition is clearly not fit flakes "Fitness". Reviews nutritionists confirm that here there is the sugar that gives breakfast a pleasant taste. However, in fairness, we note that the sugar is less than in conventional flakes and combinations, so beloved children. So in such a product is less than the risk of dental diseases, which should please both adults and children. Next, let's say that the glycemic index cereal is around 70, which is higher than that of simple cereals.


What makes flakes "Fitness"?

Reviews nutritionists, these impartial people who are better than we understand how to eat, remain positive. After the foundation of the product - wheat. As part of no corn and corn syrup that allows digested more slowly classical breakfast. That is, you do not feel the rumbling in the stomach an hour after breakfast, and for dinner does not turn into a hungry monster sprinkles on food. It is not recommended to eat dry cereal, as in this case, the feeling of saturation comes late, and you have time to exceed their normal and negate the diet results.

Trying product in action

Basically, a diet with cereal can even try, as an experiment. Not inflict harm it, but it will help to clean the body, due to the presence of fiber. In this case, you do not have to experience severe restrictions in the diet, enough to eat cereal "Fitness" for 14 days. Reviews of course, will be variability, as there are people with the right approach to eating, or a tendency to overeat. But this product is labeled "approved by the Academy of Medical Sciences", meaning that the prescribed diet is recommended for people with really overweight, a BMI more than 30. That is significant progress at a normal weight, you will not.

Menu very sparing diet


If you want to eat delicious and satisfying? Welcome to the diet based on flakes!

  • At breakfast, put himself 8-9 tablespoons of cereal and fill them with milk. The lower the fat content of milk, the better. And as a highlight, allow yourself a couple of fruits. Allowed to drink plenty of tea and coffee.
  • And after an hour or you can arrange a lunch, during which eat few fruits and dairy products low fat.
  • Lunch is believed to be impressive, so it is permitted serving of meat or fish, soup or broth. It is best to refrain from the bakery and pasta.
  • Now is the time to have an afternoon snack - do not change the nutrition and snack dairy product with fruit.
  • And here for dinner on the fruit should be abandoned, since they have a lot of sugar. It is better to drink a glass of kefir.

What's on the menu do the doctors say?

At first glance it seems that diet hungry, because during the day allowed to eat limited portions of meat, bread and vegetables. In addition, completely excluded confectionery, which is certainly good for health, but uncomfortable for the notorious sweet tooth. About the "Fitness" flakes nutritionists reviews very restrained. But it is worth noting that they recommend swap for lunch and dinner, it is appropriate in terms of hormonal balance. Scientific evidence shows that consumption of carbohydrates at dinner inhibits growth hormone and slows down the process of losing weight. excessive consumption of fruit remains uncertain: after all are very sweet flakes themselves "Fitness". Reviews of "experienced" dietchits full of the sad fact that an excess of glucose in the body separates the desired result. According to doctors, the best fruit from the snack substitute vegetable salad with oil droplets. By the way, without the proper amount of fat is not possible for a long time to stick to this diet. Therefore it is necessary to fill oil salads, sometimes afford to red fish and fat milk in the morning.

The ideal audience diet

Basically in many forums about cereal "Fitness" leave feedback girls, young and active. Authors diet is considered and taken care of so you do not overeat fats. Besides sitting on this diet, you do not need peretruzhdaetsya yourself cooking, and what could be better for the residents of the metropolis running ?! After all, to prepare cereal much faster than the most simple to cook buckwheat porridge. So the diet with cereals and suitable for young mothers who just can not make time for yourself. Thus, the name "Nestle" solves the basic problem of all diets and lets not cook for themselves individually. Do not be surprised if your pets interested in your menu and want to keep you company in eating delicious cereal. Forums with the theme about cereal "Fitness" responses often involve calorie topic. So for every 100 grams of the product can be compared to the 384 calories consumed. But keep in mind that is very light flakes and 100 grams of them to get a lot. And by the way, the rate of a healthy adult is 2,500 calories per day. That's how much we need to maintain their strength, to lead a healthy lifestyle with irregular loads of sports. So for breakfast you can well afford a large portion of sweet and light flakes.