Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day: the menu for the week

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight is very important. In fact, many women who have given birth recently made a lot of effort to lose weight gained during pregnancy. But how to lose weight while continuing to breastfeed, and without risking the health of the child?

Why during pregnancy the woman is gaining weight?

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day: the menu for the week

As in the "interesting" position, the fairer sex gaining additional weight due to objective reasons: mass developing the hearth increases, the uterus begins to weigh about 1 kg, placenta weight is about 0, 5 kg, and more necessary to consider the volume of amniotic fluid, more blood, breast augmentation volume and t. d. The obtained average 12 kg (plus or minus 5 kg). This extra weight is considered to be "useful" - it is indispensable, otherwise the fruit will not develop fully.

But there is a "useless" extra kilos that the expectant mother "load up" as a result of malnutrition. During pregnancy a woman eats for two, but if she eats properly by eating lots of fruits and vegetables, the vitamins and minerals enough to her and the baby. If a woman starts to have above normal is not quite good for health food, this leads to the formation of "useless" kilograms, which subsequently lose it is very difficult. Anyway, diet nursing mother to lose weight should help solve the problem of excess weight.

Why can not I lose weight after giving birth?

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day: the menu for the week

A young mother can not count on the return of former figures in the first few months after the birth of her baby, especially if she is breastfeeding. By the way, nutritionists advise to continue lactation as long as possible and not give up on this, because it normalizes metabolism, burning excess weight gradually. But you must understand that it can take as much time as you took out to acquire excess weight, that is. E. About 7-9 months. Still, many women do not lose weight after giving birth naturally, and continue to grow in size. Why?

  • First, women no longer need to eat for two, but it continues the habit to eat double portions of food.
  • Second, many of the fairer sex after birth face serious stress: the baby requires attention, and at night you can not sleep, extra kilos "mozolyat" eyes, take care of themselves once. As a result, young mothers are locked at home, stop moving, meet people and continue to "seize" your stress. It is necessary to abandon such a "solution" of the problems and force yourself to do just the opposite: to walk with a toddler perk, as once on a date; not just stand or sit next to a stroller in inaction, and to perform the most simple exercises; trusting child often the spouse or relatives, going at least 30 minutes in the fitness room.
  • Third, after giving birth can not sit on a strict diet. But moms who fanatically eager to get back into shape as soon as possible, begin to diligently practice various methods of power that cause the opposite effect - the appearance of "ears" on the thighs, the fat in the abdominal area. Different and can not be, because after childbirth rapid transition to a limited diet brings only further stress.
  • In the fourth, not very conscientious pediatricians who do not update its base of knowledge, often insist that my mother generally refused to citrus fruits, dairy products and so on. D. However, a long list of prohibitions only provokes a woman's increased appetite and lack of nutrients, so it is best to leave in the diet, and fruit, and eggs, and legumes, but eat them in very small quantities.

What should be excluded from the diet to lose weight?

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day: the menu for the week

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight - another way as quickly as possible to get back in shape. But before you learn new recipes and dishes make up the menu, you must once and remember forever what products are under the complete ban.

The first is to give up all kinds of sausages, chips, rye crackers under a thick layer of spices, chocolate, hamburgers, various muffins, cakes and pastries. Also taboo is imposed on the pickles, pickles, soy, meats, mayonnaise, ketchup. And, of course, every mother knows that alcohol and tobacco are also unacceptable for her.

And if it was normal to want any product during pregnancy and immediately eat it in the beyond the amount, it is now necessary to control such moods, as they are without any basis.

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight, the main recommendations of

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day: the menu for the week

50% of the diet of lactating mothers should be fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as useful porridge. Only under such conditions can be obtained all the necessary nutrients and to control your appetite. Recommended cooking technology: a couple, by cooking and baking. You can also fry foods, but without the use of any oils. Dining is necessary no later than 18.00.

The diet for lactating mothers diet on days compiled beforehand, facilitate weight relief process and eliminate snack "noxious" products.

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight: the menu for the week

Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day: the menu for the week

Forming the menu for a few days, not only should pay attention to the composition of food, but also to their calorie content. Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight for a week should be varied, but the daily need to consume no more than 2000-2500 calories. For active weight relief is also required 2 liters of liquid per day.


Much easier when a pre-composed diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day. Monday's menu might look like this:

  • Breakfast: toast, tomatoes in own juice, cheese chechil.
  • Lunch: vegetable soup, jacket potatoes with fish, vegetable salad and tea.
  • Desserts: peaches or pears.
  • Dinner: baked cheese cauliflower, vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice, a banana.


Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight, which is a menu you should try to make as diverse as possible, on Tuesday may include the following dishes:

  • Breakfast: cereal with milk, fruit salad.
  • Dinner: chicken broth with carrots and envelopes with chicken meat, baked cheese and ham cauliflower, tomato salad.
  • Desserts: low-fat yogurt with a banana.
  • Dinner: jacket potatoes, fish stew with vegetables, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: grapes, toast with fried egg, yogurt.
  • Lunch: rice soup, boiled beef with steamed vegetables, salad with greens.
  • Desserts: apples.
  • Dinner: spaghetti with a light sauce, carrot salad with raisins, slightly salted fish.


  • Breakfast: feta cheese with green olives.
  • Lunch: potato soup with mushrooms, rice with boiled fish, carrot and apple salad.
  • Desserts: oranges.
  • Dinner: buckwheat porridge and milk, salad with green peas, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: cabbage, tomatoes, tea with fruit candy.
  • Lunch: lentil soup, chicken breast with boiled potatoes, cabbage salad.
  • Desert: yogurt with wafer biscuits.
  • Dinner: Fresh vegetables with boiled rice, natural yogurt with muesli.


  • Breakfast: pasta with steamed vegetables, a glass of milk with a pie.
  • Lunch: fish soup, boiled rice with ham, vegetable salad.
  • Desert: pears.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with raisins, jelly.


  • Breakfast: boiled chicken with rice, toast with jam, coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner: soup dumplings, steamed boiled fish with vegetables, vegetable salad.
  • Desert: yogurt, muffins.
  • Dinner: millet porridge and milk, pineapple.


Diet for lactating mothers to lose weight by day: the menu for the week

Diet for nursing mothers for weight loss is very effective, but will not give the desired results without exercise. If during childbirth complications was not and is not applied cesarean section, then after 3 months, you can allow yourself to long walks, squats and other simple exercises. In the gym, a dance or fitness, you can record six months later. If complications were nevertheless, it is better for 9 months to forget about exercise and give your body time to recover. Diet for lactating mothers diet gets different reviews: someone shares with these results as minus half a kilogram per week, and someone complains that a varied menu "eats" a lot of time to cook food. However, this is not a reason to give up on your goal, because you can just a little bit easier menu, replacing some of the items Fast food cereals.