6 working habits, impair productivity

If you treat generation millenialov surely productivity - the main goal that you're trying to achieve. Whether you're going to express themselves at work or improve the quality of your personal life, you have to complete more and feel the strength to improve. Your habits significantly affect the way you raskhoduesh time, and even though they may not be entirely good or bad, some of them slow down the performance. Here are a few factors that prevent you to easily carry out their work:

1. No snacking

6 working habits, impair productivity

According to the Harvard Business Review, a roller coaster with sharp spikes in blood sugar levels can have a negative impact on your productivity and alertness. Do not make long breaks between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner - remind yourself to go for a snack or cook special healthy snacks. This will allow you to keep attention to the operating business as well as not to gain extra weight and not to bring down the hormonal balance.

2. Dependence on the phone

6 working habits, impair productivity

Smartphones help keep in touch with the rest of the world - and it also distracts you from your work.

According to the researchers, is published in Psychology Today, "smart phones can interfere with people to achieve flow, that is, the state in which we are fully absorbed in the activities, forgetting about everything, while being very productive." Just 2.8 seconds of distraction is enough to disrupt the flow - and thus, a glance at the push notification is enough to prevent your work. Try to remove the phone somewhere out of sight, if you really want to focus on.

3. A lot of open tabs workers

We grew up with the conviction that multitasking - a useful skill that allows you to get more done, but research suggests quite the opposite. 6000 open tabs interfere with focus on the work - so do not try to solve several projects at a time. Keep tabs open at least - the easiest way to reduce the number of distractions.

4. Lack of sleep

You know, it's time to sleep, but really want to see the next series or to read all notifications for Twitter. That is what should be done in this situation: close your eyes.

Recent studies have shown that losing as little as 16 minutes of sleep can turn productive time per day procrastination. People who participated in the study, noted that the reduction of sleep even for 16 minutes led to the fact that they have increased levels of stress, problems with concentration and judgment.

Those who sleep well, may be more attentive, make fewer mistakes, and do not enter into interpersonal conflicts. - the head of the study, Dr. Somi Lee

5. Failure to break

6 working habits, impair productivity

regular breaks throughout the day can help you improve concentration and activity, so it should not be glued to his desk all day. That's about it regularly tell us successful businessmen, corporate executives:

Non-disruptive employee productivity, mental well-being and overall productivity are beginning to suffer.

- publication of the Forbes

6. No goals list

The best way to deal with procrastination - drawing up a list of daily goals. Affairs lists provide a visible path to the end of the day, so try to write goals and objectives that you would like to perform every day.

Be realistic about what you can achieve for the day's work, and not be tempted to make a to-do list for a week, it can make you feel stress and depression.

- the publication New York Times

Important in this task - to make sure that your list is concrete and realistic, not to go astray.

What's stopping you to concentrate on your work?