Effective procrastination: 5 reasons to take a break during operation

It's hard to convince yourself to take a break in the work, not only for lunch but also for the entire working day. When I get distracted, then I berate yourself for procrastination and hurry to get back to business. According to experts, regular rest from work during the day only to improve performance. That's what this bill says coach personal effectiveness Casey Moran:

Studies show that the brain works best 52 minutes and then "took a break" for 17 minutes. Therefore, I advise customers to operate from 45 minutes to an hour and take a break from 12 to 15 minutes. Everyone is different, so it is important to find out what works best for you. The brain, like everyone else, tired. Thus, the concentration for eight hours is not realistic and is not healthy. The more you "push" yourself, the more stress (cortisol) is released, which reduces your immune system.

Here are some more scientific evidence that you need to break away from the computer more often.

Your body needs to move to

Effective procrastination: 5 reasons to take a break during operation

If you spend all day at the computer, your body wants only one thing - move. Even small regular activity will relieve from back pain and other health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

This fact was confirmed by scientists repeatedly. For example, a study in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity reports that the trip only five minutes per hour improves a person's mood and adds energy.

Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, found that the cells of people spending most of their time sitting, age faster. Get up briefly every 20-30 minutes, and the body will be grateful to you.

Breaks help you better focus on a long-term

Effective procrastination: 5 reasons to take a break during operation

It seems that when you work less time, and the volume of executed tasks is reduced. In fact, after the break you will act quickly and effectively, and thus have time longer.

One study showed that people are better able to cope with tasks that require prolonged concentration, if periodically switched to other businesses.

Constant stimulation is registered by our brain as not important to the extent that the brain ceases to react to it. From a practical point of view, our research shows that, when faced with long tasks (eg training before the final), it is best to allow yourself short breaks.

- said study author Alejandro Lleras.

Breaks simplify decision-making

Effective procrastination: 5 reasons to take a break during operation

If you have to take a day a bunch of solutions in non-stop, you start to suffer from what psychologists call "tired of making." Choice given all the harder, so you just dwell on the fact that it is easier, and not on what's best.

This is confirmed by a study published in the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Sciences. It has been established that judges are more likely to provide the prisoners released on parole after the break. The thing is that to refuse - it is always the easiest way, which chooses people with fatigue syndrome from the solutions.

Your brain continues to seek a solution to the problem during the holidays When you let your mind wander, you're much closer to the problem than it seems. The default mode of operation in which the brain is at rest, is important for the active, internally-oriented psychosocial treatment. For example, upon activation of personal memories, the ratio of social emotions with the concepts of morality. distraction also helps to think more broadly and think long-term.

A break can make you more creative

Effective procrastination: 5 reasons to take a break during operation

Recreation activates your creative powers and helps non-standard approach to solving the problem. In a study published in the Journal of Creativity Research Journal, says that people come up with more ideas in a brainstorming exercise, when they took a break and doing things not related to the main task.

The authors suggest that if a person is too long working on the same problem, then walks over to her too close and not capable of innovative solutions. Take some time to something else, you get back to work with fresh eyes.

You should not feel guilty if you leave the workplace during the day. So you improve your efficiency and helps the body to be healthier. The main thing is to be able to quickly focus on the job after a short rest.