8 popular morning habits that lead to inflammation

How do you spend your morning - determines your whole day. If even cooking breakfast causes you stress, it immediately begins to affect your body, reducing energy levels and causing negative emotions. Today we'll show you what not to do in the morning, if you want to be more effective and less angry at the world around.

1. Wake up to a loud alarm clock

8 popular morning habits that lead to inflammation

You do not have the possibility not to go to work or to be late for her, so you put a few frightening alarms? This technique is time to change, because the alarm that pulls you out of sleep increases stress and stimulates inflammation in the body. It is better to use the alarm clock with a soothing melody, as well as a lamp that simulates the sunrise.

2. You wake up tired

If you have difficulty getting up out of bed in the morning - it's a clear sign that you have been around long enough not to get enough sleep. With this habit worth fighting in the first place, especially if you want to stop sick.

High-quality and long-lasting sleep is essential for the overall tone of the body, the immune system and the regulation of hormones. Try to go to bed every night at the same time and sleep between 7 and 9 hours to wake up fresh and rested.

3. grabs the phone on waking

8 popular morning habits that lead to inflammation

If you have the habit of reaching for the phone as soon as you open your eyes - a bright sign that you are dependent on the stress, and it definitely reduces your immune system as a whole. Give yourself time out to wake up and do something more useful to the body, such as meditation or cooking healthy breakfast.

4. Add the sugar in the coffee

Although coffee itself has anti-inflammatory properties, adding cream and sugar can completely cross them. Eating too much sugar not only increases the level of glucose in the blood, but can also cause inflammation in the body. Want cheerfulness - better to choose for breakfast fruit or vegetable cocktail.

5. Eat breakfast muffins or croissants

8 popular morning habits that lead to inflammation

Most of the products that are recommended by marketers for breakfast - yogurt, cereal, donuts, croissants, muffins and other sweet foods - contain trans fats, refined oils and margarine, which can easily lead to inflammation.

Prepare your own breakfast, so that it contains protein, fiber and healthy fats in order to be satisfied. For example, you can cook eggs with spinach and avocado, oatmeal smoothies with berries or banana, cabbage powder and collagen.

6. angry with minor troubles

In the morning, we often start to get angry at the fact that things do not go as planned: first, lost keys, then you are cut in a traffic jam, but as soon as you come to work - to detect new cases endless mountains. Take into account that the inflammation in your body can be a response to chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels.

If your every morning so restless that it drains you, you quickly begin to fade, because stress will affect the entire immune system. To get rid of this habit, try to go to bed early so you can get up at dawn and prepare without haste. Get into the habit every morning to stretch, as well as record some "morning pages".

7. Actively train

8 popular morning habits that lead to inflammation

Despite the fact that regular exercise improves your health, too many classes in the morning hazardous to health. Find a balance that will allow you to not get tired, but only filled with energy for the rest of the day, choosing for morning classes yoga, Pilates or a short jog.

8. Worried about how to pass the day

Difficult to remain calm, especially if you know how many cases you have to perform. But if you want to reduce inflammation in the body, you need to avoid even the addition of stress that you create itself.

A good way to get rid of this habit: write three things for which you are grateful for every day, when you go to bed, and then three more after awakening.

But what commonly passes your morning?