6 exercises in self-love

To change your attitude to yourself, do not need a special moment or occasion. Changes in life start with inner work, and we know how to run it. Heroine collected some difficult but necessary exercise which will help you establish inner harmony.

1. Listen to what you say about the people around you

6 exercises in self-love

In what tone you often spoke of people. To support them? Condemn? Trying to understand or prefer not to delve into other people's business?

Your reaction - this is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. Try to be positive and do not judge people by one act.

What you say about yourself is also important. Do not confuse humility with humiliation and not pity themselves.

2 different then what you want really, what you "should" want to

To distinguish the real desires of the imposed society, you should be as honest with him. Are you really so keen on a career or trying to prove to people that something can? Really want children or do you think that because relatives say that "it is time"? Dream of traveling or simply want beautiful photos to instagram?

To carry out the desire, sometimes it is necessary to invest in a lot of energy, time and money. Therefore, it is important to realize that you are wasting resources on what you really want.

3. notices when clinging to something that has already outgrown

6 exercises in self-love

This applies to all areas of your life. Get rid of clothes that hardly ever wear. Of destructive habits, which even do not bring pleasure.

Part with people, if they interfere with your progress and make you feel uncomfortable. With partner, if you are too different outlook on life.

Remember that you do not just get rid of that prevents you from growing, but also frees up space for a new experience. Your whole life - it's a wardrobe in which to carry out periodic audits.

4. Pay attention to how people are saying that you are surrounded by

This will help to identify toxic relationships in their environment. How to communicate with those with whom you spend a lot of time? They laugh at other people's success? All the while complaining about? Negative attitude towards those who are trying to change their lives? Support you or mostly criticized?

All of this, one way or another, affect you and shapes your life. Therefore, do not unpleasant people as givens, which need to be reconciled. Restrict yourself from them - a difficult decision, but you should be adamant when it comes to your mental health and growth.

5. Find one positive quality of those to whom was once tied

6 exercises in self-love

No matter how you break up if you were close to a person, surely you something like it, and it's time to remember it.

Find the one quality that you love in everyone who was close to you. This exercise frees the mind from the hurt and helps to focus on what you want from the future relationship or what is value in this.

If you are hard to find such a quality, try to think about what you learned about yourself after this experience and had received from him. This practice eliminates the negative emotions that you should not carry with them through life.

6. Admit your desires and do not blame yourself for them

Live in harmony with their desires. Do not blame yourself for what you want to earn more - it does not make you petty. Do not be shy that want a relationship, or what do you comfortable in solitude. Get rid of the blame for something that does not aspire to have children.

Exactly what you should not do - is to ignore them and suppress their true desires due to the fact that someone finds them wrong.

Which of these exercises you would like to practice in your life?