How do home training more useful and safe

Catching up on fitness at home, you must be very careful about what kind of exercise you choose, and whether they are harmful to your health. It seems that in the simplest loads, such as jogging and abdominal exercises should not be any pitfalls that threaten your body, but there is still a risk to pull the muscles and ligaments. That is why it is best to seek advice from a professional coach, who will be suitable to you is the recovery program and load balancing. But, unfortunately, it does not always have the opportunity to consult a professional, and for this, we decided to find out what kind of exercise is better to exclude from your training, and what to emphasize.

1 at the press Exercises

How do home training more useful and safe

It is clear that abdominal exercises can cause an undesirable load on the spine, causing damage to the neck muscles and pain in the upper back. To avoid this unwanted effect, you must select a different position for training the abdominal muscles, such as "bird-dog". In this position, your neck is not experiencing an unwanted burden, and are involved muscles of the torso.

To perform such a position, you need to kneel down, so that they were on the hips, lean on outstretched arms. One leg must be pulled parallel to the floor, combining with the opposite hand, and stretched parallel to the floor. Arms and legs to change in turn. Follow so that the lower back, hips and shoulders remain straight.

2. Exercise "bench" for triceps

How do home training more useful and safe

This item you can safely exclude from the program for quite objective reasons. During this exercise, the main burden is on hand. In this position, very easy to dislocate the shoulder, elbow and wrist damage. To achieve a similar effect, but without the risk of harm to your body, it is better to perform push-ups with knees. Your hands are also extended, but pressed to the floor, and the weight is regulated through abutment in the knees. During this exercise, you work on the triceps, chest muscles, shoulders and the press, not overtaxing with the hands.

3. The side slopes with a load of

How do home training more useful and safe

Ordinary tilts from side to side can become dangerous. If you, for example, will choose heavy dumbbells or doing the exercises in violation of technology, but harm your health, you do not get anything. Instead, the slopes can do the exercise with the ball, which will strengthen all major muscles of the body without the risk of back injury.

For its implementation should:

1. Stand up, put his feet hip-width apart, straighten your back, with both hands holding the ball. Left leg slightly thrust forward, bend at the knees.

2. Slowly lift the ball from the bottom-up from the left to the right thigh, drawing over the head crown of the tree. The arms should remain straight, it follows that the body was sent forward.

3. Once you get to the right thigh, back to the starting position and repeat the exercise again.

4. Exercise for biceps

How do home training more useful and safe

The classic formula of exercise for biceps with dumbbells, perhaps, is not dangerous to health, but also not very effective due to the fact that uses only one group of muscles, but it often happens that women use too light load, to train biceps, which has no effect. Should be replaced with a dumbbell exercise equipment resistance. 1. their feet hip-width apart. In each hand take the belt, palm facing upwards.

2. Alternately raise your hands, bending at the elbow, pulling the load of the left hand to the right shoulder, and the cargo right to the left. Once one hand doing the exercises, return it to its original position, begin to bend the second.

Thus you zadeystvuesh not only biceps, but also the muscles of the shoulders and back.

5. Exercise on inner thighs

How do home training more useful and safe

This exercise is performed on a simulator where your thigh shifted the load to the center, allegedly fighting unwanted fat cover in these places, which is not true, but a back injury itself is quite real. Instead, you can do the exercise "Runner".

1. Right leg to expose far forward, bend at the knees, the left laid back, right hand bend at the elbow and bring it into a position where it will cross your body.

2. Do the same with the left foot. Repeat 5-10 times change feet, pausing in this position for 5-10 seconds.

This exercise involves both internal and external thigh muscles, actually burn fat and protects your back.