Exercises for waist - quickly and efficiently

Every girl wants to be the owner of a wasp waist. In order to make the dream become a reality, the fair sex is willing to endure a grueling diet, training hours and a lot of painful procedures, but not always, the result is worth it. Sometimes it happens that all efforts are futile, and money and time spent on the wind.

Exercises for waist - quickly and efficiently

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Yet there is a solution. There are different exercises for the waist, where the efficiency is staggering. Catching 15-20 minutes daily, already in the first two weeks of classes you will achieve that for which another month suffer a living hell.

for waist exercises

We will give you an excellent opportunity to bring the figure in order. The following are exercises for the press and the waist, which will not only help get rid of fat, but will also make the abdominal muscles relief.

Exercise 1: lie on the floor, legs bent, feet touch the entire surface of the floor, his hands behind his head. Vigorous movements necessary to lift the body into a sitting position. Slowly return to starting position.

Exercises for waist - quickly and efficiently

Exercise 2: lying on his back, legs bent, calves crossed, hands behind his head. Raise the shoulders, keeping the back of the floor. Exercise 3: lie on the floor, hands apart, legs slightly bent. Slowly raise the legs up, goes down.

Exercise 4: sitting on the edge of the chair (bench), put her arms around the edges, the torso slightly to retract. His legs stretched out in front of you, pull them to your chest, not pushing knees.

Exercise 5: lying on his back, legs slightly bent, feet together, arms extended over the head. Simultaneously lift your upper body and legs.

Exercise 6: feet shoulder width apart. Take the right (next to the left) arm dumbbell (up to 5 kg). The hand must be bent at the elbow at an angle of 90 °. On account of "time" lean to one side, dropping the elbow as low as possible at the expense of "two" - return to starting position.

Exercise 7: lying on his back, legs bent, feet together, hands behind his head. Cant feet to the left, then to the right, trying to get the knees to the floor.

All of these exercises for the waist should be done in the morning on an empty stomach in two sets of 15-25 repetitions. Pre-need to do a warm-up. But if you have never played sports, you need to start with two sets of 8-10 repetitions of each exercise. Break between sets should be 45-60 seconds. An additional effect of

Exercises for waist - quickly and efficiently

In order to achieve better results it is necessary to combine the exercise on the waist with a variety of water treatments, massages, body wraps, going to the bath and sauna, a proper diet. It is desirable to combine the aerobic and power loads, avoid harmful products, and fast food.

Breathing Exercises

In recent years become very popular breathing exercises for the waist. All of them are made in the morning on an empty stomach. Thanks to them, in the past month training volume your waistline will decrease by 6-8 centimeters. Along with exercise breathing exercises strengthen the muscles of the abdominal Presa, improve gastrointestinal tract, speed up metabolism.


There are other exercises for the waist, with the help of which you can easily achieve the desired result. Enough to do them every day, not missing a single session.