Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

Spending a lot of time at your desk, you can face a number of problems associated with back pain, lower back, neck and shoulders. Those whose occupations are associated with a sedentary position, keep the muscles toned quite difficult every day, and access to the fitness club can be enough a couple of times a week to correct the serious health problems.

To avoid becoming a victim of its own workplace, as well as conserve energy and productivity as much as possible, there is a simple and elegant solution - yoga from a seated position. All those exercises that you could do on the mat, can be implemented and sitting at the computer. Of course, the effect of such a yoga is not complete, but it sure will allow you to remove stress from tired muscles and cheer.

1. Head Cobra

Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

Problem: this exercise is perfect for those who have a lot of time sitting at the computer and in the middle of the day experiencing pain in his back. Doing this exercise will make work the cervical vertebrae, the spine will return its natural position and will enhance the flow of blood to it.

What: Sit on the edge of a chair and straighten your back. Foot should fit snugly to the floor, hips be diluted. Take hands, bent at the elbows, with the head and somknite fingers together. Elbows dissolve in hand as much as possible. On the inhale, expand the arms and pull the chest forward as you exhale - back. In addition to stretching the chest, do not forget to do a slight tilt from side to side, making only work the muscles of the thoracic. Do 4-5 repetitions.

2. Cat-Cow

Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

to Issue: you slouch a lot, which leads to pain in the back and waist. For such a case it is best to do exercise "cat-cow", which is very useful to relax the back muscles and vertebrae to return to their original position. Expanding the chest, you let the muscles get the oxygen that helps to relieve stress and gives vivacity.

What: Sit straight, put your hands on your knees. On the inhale pull the thorax forward, bending the spine, reducing shovels and plant shoulders. The crown should be directed to the ceiling. On the exhale, round up your back, pulling your shoulders forward, drag the crown to his knees. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. Curl

Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

Issue: twisting may help if you are in a hurry at lunch and now feel sick in the stomach. Such an exercise is directly related to the internal organs and their good functioning. In addition, with the help of twists you can get rid of back pain and anxiety.

What: Sit straight and inhale. Foot pressed to the floor. On the exhale, expand the shoulders in one direction and the other in the torso, holding on to the back of the chair. Your body should resemble a spiral. Make sure that your spine is no slouch. Having accepted the position, stay there for 5 breaths, feel your spine is stretched. Then repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

4. The slopes towards the

Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

Issue: if you sit long in one place and you start to feel uncomfortable, you can try to make tilts from side to side. This exercise helps to stretch the muscles of one side, while the other side the muscles are compressed. This exercise also works the chest and arms. Due to the inclination, you can quickly restore muscle tone and breath.

What: Sit straight, one hand on the chair seat, relax your shoulders and let it fall down. The other arm lift up, then lean towards the lowered arms, strictly side without pulling the spine forward or backward. Then do the same on the other hand, repeat 5-10 times.

5. The slope of the back

Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

Issue: let your body relax a little and renew energy can by tilting back, which stretches the muscles of the thoracic spine and relaxes. If you have spent the whole day at your desk and now feel the tension in the shoulders, then tilt back for sure it will help get rid of unpleasant sensations.

What: sit exactly on the edge of your chair, his arms stretched backwards lean on the seat. On the inhale pull forward ribcage, and lower the head back. Keep the position for 5 breaths, then lower thoracic spine. Repeat the exercise, if necessary.

6. Sitting Dove

Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

Issue: after a long meeting, you have numb feet and tired knees. To correct these unpleasant sensations, you can do an exercise "dove". It stretches the muscles of the hips and back. But the main thing - do not overdo it at the time of exercise, you should feel relief, rather than a new pain.

What: Sit straight. Fold one leg at the knee and place the ankle on the thigh of the other leg (near the knee). Drag the body forward, revealing the thorax and abdomen trying to reach up to the hip. Make sure that your spine stretched up and the back was straight. Perform the exercise for 5 breaths. Repeat with the other leg.

7. Forward Bend

Thank charging: 7 exercises for those who are sitting a lot

Issue: if in the middle of the day you feel sleepy, you can make a forward tilt, which will allow a rush of blood to the brain and neck to relieve tension from the waist and stretch the muscles of your thighs.

What: sit flat on edge of a chair, hips, spread to the sides, legs straight. Lower the torso down, relax, hands folded at the elbow and allow them to just hang freely downward. Crown drag on the floor. Perform for 30 seconds, then rise to the initial position.