Devoured routine: how to cope with the feeling of monotony and emptiness

Morning routine, get to work, the office, the road home, cooking dinner, show or movie on the weary head to sleep. The next day - the same as a rare bright output are not able to eclipse the gray monotony of the five-day week. In such a "Groundhog Day", even without this stress or pressure side can fall in a permanent bad mood and read most of his life a waste of time.

Do not think that this is a dead end from which there is no escape. Journey of life is not a closed resembles a wheel, and the Spiral. Even if the turns are similar to each other, the best you can still make them qualitatively different. So if you actively take up the struggle with boredom, which conjures up the routine, then you will soon cease to perceive it negatively, and shall be exalted above the commonplace, taking her for supporting a push to move forward.

1. Do not rush to extremes

Devoured routine: how to cope with the feeling of monotony and emptiness

In the fight against monotony extreme measures, as in many other matters, not profit. If you try to escape from the routine, it can often be harmful. For example, to drop everything and take a step towards the dream is possible, but only if there is a strong belief in the timeliness of this step. I am sure that the change from love to dream, not from dislike of routine?

Some run away from the monotony of everyday life in the "other reality" - virtual worlds, empty dreams or even alcoholic haze. Nothing good such escapism does not bring only spend time and health, which would be useful for the case.

The other side of the coin - go with the flow and do nothing in the hope that the gray streak end. Alas, zebra principle only works with white and black stripes and gray zebra does not happen. So to deal with boring monotony have to invest strength and perseverance, not to be bed-rock.

2. befriend

Old friends certainly support and without any prompting on our part, but make new friends - a great idea for a breakdown of monotony. You can start a new club on the existing interests, look for a new hobby, join the gym or to move to a new, if you go into it already. This is a very effective way to find new acquaintances and new friends always bring with them fresh energy and potential. Even if you are new companions will not become best friends, or do you prefer to be an introvert, in this case, the output from the familiar comfort zone will be useful. After all, what kind of "comfort zone" can be a question if you do not like routine? It's time to forget about shyness and laziness.

3. Visualization of

Each routine will appear in our lives for a reason. Daily boring things we do for a purpose: to improve the work, change of housing, or social status, fulfillment of dreams. That is such a routine would end sooner or later, if you work hard. But it is possible to repeat a hundred times to myself that all these tedious steps needed to fulfill dreams, and to sense all the same will not be, because our motivation is often needed in the medium.

Visibility - one of the best tools of self-motivation. Make a poster or collage beautiful pattern that will display the final goal of the daily grind. Do not be afraid of bright colors and metaphors, let it be beautiful and spectacular. Hang the resulting creation in a prominent place, and then it will be a little easier to perform everyday business unloved, because you will always remember what you try.

4. Alternative

If some of the duties became absolutely unbearable, then look for alternative ways to implement them. It might be able to delegate some of your home or office business, redistribute responsibilities. In some cases, it turns out to diversify the work and home schedule so that the days of the week were not similar to each other, because the same thing can be done in different ways. You come in handy a good relationship with colleagues and family who are also probably not averse to diversify its own activities. Moreover, this diversity will be useful in terms of the effective functioning of the brain.

5. From the weakness due to

If you can not vary the schedule in any way, it is possible to draw the monotony in your stronger side. Every day you need to perform the same? Well, try to be creative to this action and execute it using different techniques and technologies. Try to look at the same thing from different angles.

This is a useful practice, which can often be seen on the popular social channels like instagrama. People often spread daily views or daily incarnation of the same with variations, and others like it is to observe and notice. For example, there instagramy where laid views of one and the same place on the street, someone draws every day of the same cat in different poses, and some just every day prepares a page of his diary with new colorful drawings.

If the line of duty or at home you have a lot of "automatic" operation, which do not need to spend a lot of attention, then use this time to listen to the music album or audiobook. Combination of affairs in such a case would only be a plus.

6. The Lord of Time

Devoured routine: how to cope with the feeling of monotony and emptiness

After working as it should on your schedule of work and timing. Dose-limiting routine time or the number and be sure to take breaks, because it is often because of their lack of it seems to us that everything around is gray and bleak. These small "windows" can be spent on themselves and little joy. Think yourself a reward for each hour worked routine (not sweets, it's not a very good option). In addition, experts in the working process is always advised to alternate long monotonous work units with something small and simple, or even enjoyable. cup of tea, call a friend, a walk on the balcony to get some fresh air, check your favorite sites, ten minutes to maintain a diary or counted cross - no matter what it will be for a trifle, the main thing that it was pleasant to you.

7 log new impressions

Often, we do not quite realize how many new and interesting appeared in our lives, because the more we pay attention to the empty half of the glass. Try to keep the logbook in which to bring all new and pleasant. Impressions, thoughts, love, new knowledge, little things - anything that stands out from the routine rhythm. If such things really be enough, it is useful to take matters into their own hands and force the issue.

Take time for walks, shopping and entertainment centers, to give a little more time to friends. Often, the problem is only in the planning of the wrong time - or the inability to notice the pleasant moments, which is actually quite a lot.