6 ways to cope with anxiety during the cold season

In winter we often get sick because many illnesses arise from the reduction of sunlight, which affects the circadian rhythm, and also affects serotonin and melatonin production. All together, it not only affects your mood, but also on the motivation and energy levels. Moreover, it can lead to a feeling of hopelessness, affect sleep and appetite, cause seasonal depression or other mental illness.

6 ways to cope with anxiety during the cold season

But when it's cold, damn difficult to get out of the house and enjoy the sun. If you, like me, go depressed in the winter, be sure to use these life hacking to get rid of stress.

1. Select the time the

In winter, people get sick more often, and thus the desire to slow down a bit will help to avoid the possibility of infection. Stop to consider it "perezhidaniem" - you take the time to get rid of stress for your immune system.

At the end of each day, take a minute to really relax, doing what you like. According to maybe take a hot bath with salts, read for half an hour after wearing pajamas, and do not forget about a good playlist.

2. Be kind to yourself

When you are under stress and tired of all that is around, you start to hurt herself, blaming themselves for the failures and punish the "extra" food, which always want to swallow. It is not surprising, because it is so evident and stress, but it is really bad for your general condition and self-esteem. When you feel depressed - just treat yourself kindly.

6 ways to cope with anxiety during the cold season

If the negative thoughts swirling in your head, like a hamster in a wheel, then take a deep breath and be engaged in any business, which will help to distract and to rebuild thoughts. Stick the stickers on the mirror in the bathroom. Try a light meditation. Leafing through an album filled with photographs of movie tickets and print a quote from loved ones.

3. Reconsider goal

Usually, you have time to do exercises before going to work, to prepare an excellent dinner, work out a creative project and meet up with friends in just one day. In winter, the list of business as usual seems impossible. This has advantages: simply revise their targets to take into account that does not require special attention at the moment, especially since you do not have much energy. It may be wise to reduce the amount of training or better to do daily 10-minute cleaning, than to spend one day to a full week in general.

And if you still do not have a list of tasks, perhaps now is the time to make it! Put in front of a small target, which would help you more likely to leave the house. Their implementation will provide a sense of accomplishment and pride for their actions.

4. Do not forget about friends

Having good social support, as well as the time you spend with family and friends, in the winter more important than ever. Studies show that it helps to cope with any symptoms that you experience as a result of stress, anxiety and other emotional problems.

6 ways to cope with anxiety during the cold season

Some days it seems impossible to get yourself to a concert, or even a friend to go with him in the movie, but still try to do it. There is an option easier: invite man to cozy gatherings and try to bake with it ginger biscuits.

5. Make sure that enough movin

Exercise, what form they might have, there will always be an effective way of dealing with stress. Yes, winter is more difficult to motivate yourself, but it will help to keep stress levels under control, because the energy will continue to grow, even if you go to class with his hands down. Let it be a walk in the park, warming yoga or dance under the street workout video - just do not forget to move every day.

6. Create your own ritual of

For this item, it is not necessary any science, it's just a little magical rituals that you can come up with for yourself. For example, light a candle night burn small desire, read a beautiful journal and a little paint with a pad. Any expression of your creative "I", no restrictions. Do it only for themselves and not to show the world.