6 habits that affect your happiness

To spoil your mood, the reason is not necessary, because happiness is not in money and not in children, and serotonin. The body lacks the necessary neurotransmitter - and now you thought that did not go on the sea, hardly force yourself to go to work, and then there was raised taxes, as luck would have. In your daily spleen is not to blame Putin, but these are not very useful habits.

1. spends much time on the couch

6 habits that affect your happiness

armchairs, beds, or on anything you usually prokrastiniruesh there. Lie under your favorite TV series - is also a kind of psychotherapy, but passive recreation in large quantities dulls all the positive emotions.

Many scientific studies have confirmed that exercise stimulates the production of serotonin in the body.

In fact, exercise performance superior to prescription drugs designed to boost serotonin - Psychotherapist Dr. Mike Dow said. - So that you should not underestimate the power of jogging, cycling or yoga.

2. rarely go out of the house

Sunlight - an important source of serotonin. Only if you see him live, not through office window.

Those who spend most of their lives indoors, become moody, less concentrate and lose interest in life. So it should not be taken too literally calls Brodsky: leave the room very useful.

3. Do not follow the diet

6 habits that affect your happiness

The mood depends on your diet. A disadvantage of certain nutrients decreases serotonin levels. This happens if your diet few vitamins, carbohydrates, or fermented foods. B vitamins act as activators, which convert amino acids to your diet in the neurotransmitter serotonin - Dr. Mike Doe explains. - Eating lots of vegetables and whole fruits, you warrant that you will get a lot of vitamins, including the natural form of vitamin B9 - folic acid - found in such vegetables as spinach. Foods rich in probiotics, can help maintain intestinal health, which is important because 95 percent of serotonin produced in the gut.

One dessert quickly lift your spirits, but a balanced diet will help you to always keep a mental health is normal.

4. You drink a lot of coffee

6 habits that affect your happiness

A cup of coffee can dramatically increase the level of serotonin, but its effect will not last long. Remember that caffeine is addictive. Get used to it and drink whenever caffeine is excreted from the body, you will experience a serious shortage of serotonin.

Be careful with any artificial stimulants of the nervous system: alcohol, nicotine, epinephrine. They deceive your brain and steal important neurotransmitters.

If your morning coffee, rather, a habit than a relationship, sometimes try to replace it with other refreshing drinks.

5. A little sleep

Lack of sleep affects not only the constant feeling of fatigue and problems with concentration. It weakens the production of serotonin in the body.

A study published in the journal Sleep, said that sleep deficit reduces the sensitivity of the body's receptors responsible for the production of the hormone of happiness. lack of sleep, the result will be a protracted depression. Scientists have repeatedly confirmed that the optimal amount of sleep - 8 hours. The six-hour nap in the long term harm as well as its complete absence. In this case, people who slept for 6 hours per day, for a long time did not notice that the worse began to think, hard and difficult to concentrate at work.

6. Do not practicing mindfulness

6 habits that affect your happiness

When your mind all the time in anxieties about the future, it makes you unhappy.

According to psychotherapist Rachel Wright, research shows that awareness increases the level of dopamine and serotonin, and the inability of the current situation is in reducing it.

If we do not take the time to just be, our cortisol levels remain too high. - Wright says. - And when our cortisol levels are high for too long, the stress hormone spreading like Pac-Man-eating ghosts, but the ghosts - this is your serotonin.

We have already talked in detail how to develop mindfulness and learn to enjoy every moment in life.

As you can see, your happiness is literally in your hands. Change or correct these habits and you will feel happy for no apparent reason.

Do you often feel unhappy?