Live it: how to stop suppressing the emotions

The phrase "I'm fine" - the standard for our society's reaction to emotional turmoil. It is important to as quickly as possible to show others that you are normal, even if it is not.

Supporting someone, we say: "Stop crying," "ceases to be upset," showing a man that his feelings are wrong and them as quickly as possible to get rid. But to cope with the emotion is only one way - to live it, rather than repel. We understand why bad suppress their feelings and how to stop doing it.

Bay, run, stand still, or what is harmful suppression of emotions

Live it: how to stop suppressing the emotions

The adepts of various spiritual practices believe that the emotions - is energy. If we do not miss it by yourself, and ignore, it accumulates in the body and begins to poison the body, most often it is expressed in the form of psychosomatic diseases.

Emily Nagoski Ph.D., in his book "How does a woman want," explains that stress - is an evolutionary adaptive mechanism that allows a person to respond adequately to the threat. When primitive man met a lion, his brain gets a signal of danger: sharply increased levels of adrenaline and cortisol, quickens the heartbeat and respiration, increases the pressure, suppress the immune and digestive systems.

Our stress response can be described as a cycle: the "hit / run / stand still." Depending on the type of threat, the man decided to help him escape - an escape from the lion or fight with him. At the very least, when the predator is too close, more active response to fading - the body of virtually ceased to function, it is also referred to as "feigned death." According Nagoski, important in effective stress management - to complete its cycle to kill the predator, run away from it or get out of the deceleration state. But in today's world we are faced with other threats: not so intense, but more persistent. Chronic stress, when we do not make a conscious effort to complete the cycle of negative emotions accumulate, leading to disease, chronic fatigue and depression.

How do you know that you repress emotions

Live it: how to stop suppressing the emotions

We live in a culture of suppression of emotions, which are taught from childhood that cry, complain, throw a tantrum - it is bad, and with the desire to be fought. Not surprisingly, many do not even notice that they live in constant stress unfinished cycle. Here are just some of the manifestations of repressed emotions:

  • saying: "I'm fine", even if you feel bad;
  • to wake up in a bad mood for no apparent reason;
  • often feel hatred and frustration;
  • can suddenly break on a loved one;
  • can not tell a person that really feel, for fear that you will condemn or ridicule;
  • are constantly finding excuses to people who hurt you;
  • you have according to which you sought when you feel bad - food, alcohol, shopogolizm.

completes the cycle: how to stop suppressing the emotions

There is no single right way to respond to stress, it all depends on the type of threat and the man himself. Here are a few practices to complete the cycle, which is recommended by psychologists.

Focus on the feelings of

At the time of the conflict try to shift attention away from the situation itself to the feelings that it evokes in you. Become aware of your emotions, you call them myself, I'm angry, I hurt, I'm disappointed. Do not take as long as no decision with respect to the people who hurt you - it helps not to make actions, which you will regret.

Try to visualize

Live it: how to stop suppressing the emotions

When it comes to strong emotion, try to retire. Breathe deeply, do not push your feelings, and let them pass through you. Visualize what you want them to, for example, in a dark mist that gradually comes out of your body.

You can practice visualization more literal way - to write their feelings on a piece, read aloud, and he shall burn it.

Take care of the work of

The therapeutic effect does not work by itself, and the opportunity to live and to throw out their emotions through some creative activity: drawing, dance, song, keeping a diary. Therefore, whatever you dealt with, it can be a good way to complete the cycle of stress.

Lead emotions Journal

Live it: how to stop suppressing the emotions

If you have a problem with an awareness of their own emotions, this practice will be very useful. Every day, write down the feelings you are experiencing today. Admit them, noting how many different emotions you can experience in a short time, and all of them are absolutely normal.

Vyplesni their loved one or therapist

By this method, we often unconsciously resort itself - the desire to someone Share occurs naturally. Well, if next to you there are people who can listen without judgment. But do not overdo it with this practice, still in front of you a living person, who also has feelings, so do not turn it into a pillow to cry.

Take care of physical activity

The easiest way to complete the cycle of stress - running from a lion. Physical activity is not accidental recommended as prophylaxis of depression, it releases energy that accumulates in us when faced with the threat.

Do you often express their emotions?