7 life hacking, that psychologists advise

To be happy every minute - not necessarily to do yoga every night to write his memoirs and take a bubble bath. Sometimes taking care of your mental state may be in the details, and here are some tricks that are advised by psychologists.

1. tyanis humor

7 life hacking, that psychologists advise

The laughter as exercise can reduce pain, blood pressure and improve the immune system function. Whether it will be a funny movie or a fun evening with friends - try to take the time to ensure that a good laugh. Do not dismiss the thought and to itself to tell a joke or a funny story in the company, inspired by the example of the heroine of the series "The Incredible Mrs. Meyzel" and other successful girls, comedians.

2. Stay warm

According to Chinese philosophy, anxiety increases in cold weather. Do not let the body cool down, use a heating pad or warm winter socks in wet weather and do not give up extra cups of cocoa or mulled wine.

3. Breathe into the account

7 life hacking, that psychologists advise

The controlled breathing can help with the reduction of stress by reload the autonomic nervous system. Practice technique called "4 - 7 - 8". Start with a full exhalation, then pick up the air in the four accounts. Hold your breath for seven accounts, and then exhale for eight accounts. This technique will not only slow down the heart rate, but also reduce anxiety in the body, and you can repeat it, wherever you may be.

4. The schedule for disorders

Choose a specific time during the week to think about all their problems.

If you're constantly worried about something - you're doing it is not productive.

- the therapist Nikki Nance

Dedicate 40 minutes a day ensure that purposefully nervous. Write down all of the excitement that you have visited in a day, or walking down the street and worry. It does not hurt your plans and help you to think in advance all the possible solutions to the problems.

5. Feel the body

7 life hacking, that psychologists advise

Do you want to escape from the obsessive thoughts - concentrate on his own body. Our experiences are reflected in the physical organs, and should be given a lot of time for their recovery. If you feel that in the clouds, try to concentrate on the sensations in the legs, and then silently climbs up the body. Thanks to everyone for being a part of yourself, how does it help you now - it will also allow you izbavavitsya from the negative feelings of self-criticism.

6. shakes unnecessary

Use the palm of your hand to get rid of any negative thoughts or feelings. - licensed coachers Jill Howell

Lead hands on his shoulders on the arms and torso down. While doing this exercise, imagine that you remove any accumulated stress and negative energy.

7 represents the energy as the color of

7 life hacking, that psychologists advise

Close your eyes and imagine that aura color conveys your mood around you. Spend a few minutes trying to use their imagination and to provide a sense of anger, irritation and fear, expressed as a tangible energy that goes out of the body. This will help you take your own emotions and live them so that they can be released.

How do you take care of your mood every day?