7 asanas from a headache

There is nothing worse than two pulsating point in the temples, threatening to ruin your whole day. Whether this is due to stress, physical stress, PMS or even anything, migraine can spoil the good mood and performance in minutes. If analgesics and triptans do not work, and you do not have time out to sleep - you can try a few asanas that instantly reduce stress.

1. Padmasana - Lotus Posture

7 asanas from a headache

This meditative posture relaxes the mind and frees the head, reducing headaches. Do not be deceived by the fact that it looks simple - guru called it one of the most difficult sitting postures.

  • Sit on a flat surface, straighten the spine and stretch your legs forward.
  • Bend your right knee and hands Withdraw your foot on the left thigh. Your feet should be facing upwards and the heel to look into the stomach. Repeat with the left leg.
  • When both legs are crossed, and gather the palms together. Remember, your spine should be stretched, and the head looking forward. Breathe deeply and hold this position for 5 minutes.

2. Utanasana

7 asanas from a headache

The standing inverted pose stimulates the nervous system and increases blood circulation, thereby reducing the pressure in the head.

  • Stand evenly on the mat and put your hands on your hips. Let it out, then gently soften your knees and start to lean forward.
  • Put your hands on the mat at his feet. Your feet should be parallel, toes pointing forward. Relax your head and do 10 deep breaths.

3. Svanasana

7 asanas from a headache

Pose dog stretching is used by professionals in yoga to cure frequent headaches.

  • Get on all fours. Exhale and slowly raise your hips, straighten your elbows and knees. Your body should form an inverted check.
  • Make sure your hands are at the shoulders, and legs are aligned over the hips. The fingers have to look forward.
  • craned his neck and follows the spine to remain straight. Opinion should be directed to the navel. Make 5 deep breaths, and then, bending his knees, return to starting position.

4. Paschimotanasana

7 asanas from a headache

Another amazing pose a headache calms the brain and relieves tension from your body.

  • Sit up straight, stretch your legs forward. Make sure that your toes are bent towards you. Inhale and raise your arms above your head.
  • Exhale and bend forward. Stretch your arms forward and try to reach as far as possible - but not create undue stress. Raise your head, lengthening the spine. Take five deep breaths.
  • exhale and try to put her head on her knees.
  • Repeat 5 times, then put your head and stay in this position for 5 minutes.

5. Bandhasana or Bridge Pose

7 asanas from a headache

This pose helps to take control of the pressure, and also provides the blood supply to the head in order to alleviate the symptoms.

  • Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and put them on the shoulders. Make sure that the ankles and knees are on the same straight line. Stretch your arms along the body, palms down.
  • Inhale and lift your back off the floor. Transfer the weight to the shoulders, and make sure your chin touching his chest.
  • Squeeze your buttocks. Hold the position for at least a moment, breathe deeply and slowly.

6. Balasan or Child Pose

7 asanas from a headache

This pose helps to stretch your ankles, hips and buttocks, calm the body as a whole and to reduce stress. As soon as you stop to feel tired - migraine will slowly let go of his grasping hands.

  • Sit on your knees, touching the thumbs of each other. When you feel comfortable - slightly wider spread your knees.
  • Lean forward and try to put the chest between your thighs as you exhale.
  • I am pulling the tailbone and the base of the neck. Stretch your arms out to the width of the knees and lower the shoulders to the floor. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.

7. Savasana

7 asanas from a headache

This position - the end point of any yoga session. A state of rest helps to enter into a meditative state and finally get rid of the pain.

  • Lie down on a mat. Close your eyes and make sure your legs are completely relaxed and your toes facing the side. Your arms should be stretched along the body, and the palm facing up.
  • Pay attention to every area of ​​your body, starting with the feet. Breathe slowly and deeply. Listen to the response of the body - 10 minutes slowly rolls down the side, and try to analyze the situation before you open your eyes.

Of course, if your headache becomes chronic, yoga, and non-prescription drugs may not be the only solution, and should seek medical attention.