Guide to self-massage: how to relax quickly without help

Massage - a universal tool: helps to quickly fall asleep, easy to wake up, relax, cheer up, get rid of the pain and look better. If the money for personal masseur you have not yet, we will explore self-massage. Remember that this is not a creative process, and to perform a medical procedure and it should be according to certain rules. Here are some tips for self-massage.


Guide to self-massage: how to relax quickly without help

Massage should be done on a clean body and a couple of hours after eating.

The main thing that you need - oil. It will improve the slip, in addition, it is a great aromatherapy. If you have sensitive skin, first apply massage oil on a small patch of skin to make sure that there is no irritation.

There are many tools to simplify the self-massage: roller skates, accessories, anti-stress balls and massagers. you can quite do without them if you wish.

Take off everything that hinders - watches, bracelets, belt ornaments. Sit or lie down comfortably and take a few deep breaths.

Here are a few kinds of simple self-massage to solve different problems.

swollen legs

Guide to self-massage: how to relax quickly without help

1. Sit on the floor and bend the knee, so that you can reach out to the ankle. Do slow massaging movements from the feet to the knee. We are paying particular attention to the calves, but do not push too hard. Soon you will feel a pleasant warmth.

2. Massage around the talus - is the one that sticks out on both sides of the foot between the ankle and lower leg. Obey flowing massaging motion around the ankle 6 times in a clockwise direction and 6 times in the reverse direction. Do not touch the talus. 3. Place hands behind your ankle and gently grind the Achilles tendon. Move up and down on both sides of the tendon between the heel and the calf.


1. It is easy to massage your fingers around the eyes and sinuses. It will relax you.

2. presses in turn each finger to the thumb of the other hand. Force them and let go. Do this exercise for each hand.

Eye fatigue

Guide to self-massage: how to relax quickly without help

1. Rub hands together to warm them. Tightly lap eyes with his hands to form a complete darkness. Hold this position for 2-3 minutes.

2. Do neat massaging motion on the cheekbones to the ears, to restore blood circulation in this area.

3. gentle movements massage the area around the eyes, but do not touch the delicate skin under the eyes.

4. The index and middle fingers move along the lower edge of the eye and above the eyebrows. You must subscribe to eight, if you draw on the face points.

Pain in the back of the

Guide to self-massage: how to relax quickly without help

1. Sitting or standing, lift your hands just above the breast and begin to slide your fingers on the back of the neck from the nape to the back. Repeat this movement several times. Alternately, tilt your head to the right and to the left shoulder and keep rubbing.

2. Do the same techniques in the front of the neck. Weaken the movement so as not to stretch the skin. Move from the top of the clavicle to the ear lobes.

3. Hold yourself around the neck - the right hand side left, left-right. Good massage your trapezius muscle strong vigorous movements.


1. Three head in a circular motion as if to distribute the shampoo during washing. You must feel like a scalp blood rush and ease appears.

2. Use your fingers to gently massage the forehead, eyebrows and the area around the temples for 2-3 minutes.


Guide to self-massage: how to relax quickly without help

1. Sit up, straighten your back and take a deep breath and exhale. Place the fingertips of his left hand under the chest bone. You have to find the solar plexus, it converges a lot of nerve cells. Press lightly with your fingers and take a few deep breaths, holding hands.

2. Draw 10 small circles with your fingers clockwise on the solar plexus, gentle pressure.

Important tips:

  • Depending on the body part you can massage the fingers or the entire hand.
  • Movement should be light and smooth, even if you need a little to use force to press or squeeze the muscle.
  • The massage should not cause any discomfort. Feel pain or stress - just stops.
  • If there are problems with the bones, lymph nodes, varicose veins and other diseases, it is better not to engage in self-massage.

What is the massage you like the most?