How to relieve back pain and correct posture

How to relieve back pain and correct posture

Scoliosis - or unnatural curvature of the spine - affects millions of people - both children and adults. Most do not require surgery, so they simply tolerate the pain in his back and neck, have trouble breathing. This condition is not life-threatening, but nevertheless reduces its quality. Fortunately, there are many things that will take their condition under control. Here are a few decisions that affect your everyday life.

1. Buy good pillows and mattress

You spend in bed for 6-8 hours a day, and a big part of your life. The people there are rumors that in scoliosis need to sleep on the floor, but that's just a myth that is not supported by modern orthopedics. We need to seek a balance between comfort and support properties. Someone like mattresses with memory effect, someone needs a harder mattress.

In any case, considering options with independent spring blocks or filled with coconut coir. Too soft pillow will leave your head without support, leading to unpleasant pain in the neck, affecting the rest of the spine.

Experiment to find out what suits you, besides specialized firms, and even IKEA have special conditions for return of the goods: you are given 2-3 months to see if really get enough sleep.

2. do yoga

Yoga teachers do not believe - believe science. Columbia University study has shown that if you do a side bar every day for seven months - it will reduce the distortion of 32 percent.

Be careful with the choice of direction, avoid Ashtanga, which a lot of complicated exercises. Landmark on hatha or vinyasa, it is desirable to consult with your instructor, so he gave specific advice for your type of scoliosis. Here are a few poses that Medical News magazine recognized the most effective:

Virabhadrasana - Warrior Pose

Put your legs wide on the same line, the right foot should be facing outward, left - forward. Gently sit down, then stretch arms strictly to the side. Look ahead and breathe deeply. Repeat on the other side.


Lie down on the floor on his stomach. Stretch your arms forward, then tear off the arms and legs off the floor, so that your body weight is concentrated in the abdomen and pelvis. Slowly return to its original position after a few seconds.

How to relieve back pain and correct posture

to Bandhasana - bridge pose

Lie on your back, bend your knees. Carefully lift up the thigh. Straighten your shoulders and stretch your arms along the body so that they touch the feet. Breathe deeply and in a few seconds, lower your hips.

3. Do not put off the procedure

In addition to yoga, there are several types of procedures that relieve pain in the body: acupuncture, massage, physical therapy. What exactly to choose - to discuss with your doctor, because he may even recommend a particular specialist. Remember that you will not see results overnight, you need to adhere to a specific mode for a few months to see how it's good for you.

4. Wear comfortable shoes

You should not be purchased "Grandma" orthopedic shoes, but do not forget about comfort each time choosing a new pair of shoes. Orthopedic surgeon David Wolf of the University of Texas Health Center says:

Feet - the foundation of the building.

This means that back pain usually begins with the fact that you have on your feet. Flat flip-flops and ballet flats violate the balance of the whole body. When buying choose the rise, which is good support for your ankle.

5. Watch your posture

Damn hard to maintain a good posture when you are ashamed of your spine. How can you sit up straight when you curve back? However, what you need to avoid - all slopes during static postures. Imagine that you're sitting, leaning against the wall, and your chin is strictly parallel to the floor - to maintain this position as long as possible. The doctor-chiropractor Richard Aradant states also that you can not cross your legs when you sit. This leads to problems with the loin.

How to relieve back pain and correct posture

6. bother about the chair

We do not think twice about where to sit. Neither in school nor at work can not be choosers! However, most of these seats are not suitable for your body, because the leaves of the lumbar without the support. Perhaps you will just talk to the chief about whether you can get an ergonomic chair. Do not skimp on the chair for the home: look that is ideal to your body, and spine will thank you for it.

7. Do exercise on fitball

Special exercises to be performed on such a sphere, it is extremely useful to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. Fitball supports your spine and is beneficial in the early stages of scoliosis.

Here is a simple exercise for beginners: lie on fitball so that the lower part of the leg rested on the ball and hands on the floor. Then, make your hands a few small steps forward and back, performing 5-10 pushups. We need to engage on a daily basis.