9 exercises for those who are not detached from the smart phone, mouse and keyboard

9 exercises for those who are not detached from the smart phone, mouse and keyboard

Most of the day you're sitting at a computer or smartphone and you feel that the fingers woody? Perhaps you have an inflammation of the tendon begins, which can interfere with freely move his fingers. To reduce pain and restore the mobility of the fingers should train - and this you will need no more than 15 minutes a day.

Why inflammation occurs?

In your fingers there are several small bones that are attached to the large muscles in the arm via tendons. When muscles contract regularly, tendons, and hence the bones slightly stretched. Most of the time people working at the computer or through a smartphone, problems arise with the flexor tendons - they pass from the forearm to the brushes through the tunnel shell. When the shell is compressed - the movement of the crook is difficult, and it can cause pain and difficulties in free movement. The situation is reversible - shoot regularly enough voltage across the palm.

1. Bust

Put your hand on a flat surface. In turn, raise your fingers one by one. Repeat 2 more sets of 6 strumming.

2. Work with Objects

9 exercises for those who are not detached from the smart phone, mouse and keyboard

Take a few coins, bottle cap, a pencil or any other small object, which is located in the immediate vicinity. Raise every object and shift it to another location in the table. Then, the same one, return them to their original position. Enables the turns one and then another pair of fingers and roll the items in a slightly curved palm. Repeat at least 2 sets of 5 subjects.

3. Stretching fingers

Put your hand on a flat surface. Dock with finger sore hand and index finger of the other. Slowly pull up a damaged finger, hold for 5 seconds and then gently bring back the same into its initial position. Repeat for each finger of the affected arm has 2 sets.

4. Glide

Spread your fingers as wide as possible. Then bend all the fingers except the thumb and try to touch the bottom of the palm near the wrist. Then return your fingers to their original position and try to reach a thumb to the middle of the palm. Perform another 3 sets of 4 reps.

9 exercises for those who are not detached from the smart phone, mouse and keyboard

5. Press

Take a small ball or expander and put it on the table. Covered his open palm. Sharply squeeze the ball and hold for 3 seconds, then slowly spread your fingers. Repeat 5 times.

6. Exercise "on"

Touch the tip of the fingers of the other hand suffered a finger to the letter turned "on." Hold this form for 5 seconds and then dissolve fingers. Repeat 6 times with each finger.

7. Paper

Put on the table a paper napkin or a piece of paper and then cover it with the top hand. Slowly squeeze a fist to a towel turned inside, and hold this state for 5 seconds. Then, the same cutting fist and slowly dissolve fingers. Repeat 12 more times.

8. The opening of

9 exercises for those who are not detached from the smart phone, mouse and keyboard

massage the base of the patient's finger within 15 seconds. Strongly squeeze fist, bringing all the fingers together for 10 seconds and then cutting. Maintain a free hand to the back of the patient's finger and slowly bend it so that it touches the tip of the palm. Slowly return to the starting position of the finger. Repeat each injured finger still for 5 times.

9. Exercise "V"

Put your hand on the table, tucked big ring and little finger. Razvedi index and middle fingers, so that they formed a letter V, and slide your back. Repeat 5 times.

Do you have problems with your hands at the end of the working day?