6 types of exercises that can be done in 10 minutes

You should not deceive ourselves: not every day we have the time to exercise, even though we know how important it is. Not only do you need to find a single hour to sweat, you need to change twice, take a shower and then a while more to cope with the immense sense of fatigue. The good news is that you do not need an hour if you just want to keep yourself in good shape. Use these simple 10-minute workout, to cheer, to increase its supply of energy and focus on internal sensations, until there is more free time in the schedule.

1. Quick Yoga

6 types of exercises that can be done in 10 minutes

Start with light loads. Even a few minutes of yoga in the morning can have a serious impact on your mood, reduce stress, drowsiness and adjusting work. Choose short lessons from several positions, mastering the relaxation facilities, the power. They can perform all the time, until heated kettle or coffee machine works using even the small space, which is in your kitchen.

2. Walk

Combine training with something useful - such as Walk to the store, located a few blocks from you to buy a good promotional product that you do not have enough in the refrigerator. Use the walk as an opportunity to listen to podcasts or talk on the phone with someone else. In addition, you improve blood circulation, you are still developing their cognitive skills through outdoor location.

3. Running the stairs

6 types of exercises that can be done in 10 minutes

Another convenient way to exercise - use the space around them. If you work in an office building, disguise shirt on a t-shirt, heels and changed to sneakers and go out at lunchtime on a ladder. Use interval method Tabata - performs one exercise struggled for 30 seconds, and then another 30. Runs rest one flight of stairs, otdyshites and return to the starting point. Repeat this simple exercise for 10 minutes, checking your balance and sensation in the muscles of the legs.

4. Squats and push-ups

If you are a long time and regularly train, you probably know that a combination of sit-ups and push-ups - the best way to use all the basic muscle groups simultaneously. Set the timer for 10 minutes and alternating pushups and squats - 5 through 15. If you do not have the strength to do push-ups, do not get up on his knees, and try to do push-ups on the wall. Then sinks lower and lower - from the wall to a table or sofa - and gradually you will learn to do the classic push-ups. To complicate the task, you can use a weighting - even a bottle of water.

5. House Party

6 types of exercises that can be done in 10 minutes

Prepare a playlist of your favorite songs of the three, at which I feel like dancing, and imagine that the dance floor was right at your house. Carcasses of light in the room and do not be afraid to feel stupid - your apartment, your rules. Even this simple way to help you properly stretch your muscles after a hard day, burn a lot of calories and at the same time to charge a great mood.

6. Seth burpee

Burpee - one of the most disliked exercise for anyone who is concerned about the physical form, but effective enough to improve blood circulation and stimulate the muscles. Do jumping, clapping his hands over his head, sit down and come to pose for push-ups. Press 1 again, then gather up legs and jump out. Repeat 10 to 20 burpee a time - depending on your physical fitness. If you need a break - do not rest more than a minute before you take another approach.

And how you train, if there is no time for a full range?