How to recover from a miscarriage

Just a few weeks ago, you could enjoy positive pregnancy test, and even if you have not seen your child, you still knew exactly what grows inside you. Most likely, you even imagined myself a mother, but a sudden incident - loss of pregnancy - changed the whole situation. You can experience a number of different emotions: sadness, shock, grief, resentment, refuse to eat and sleep, or do not even accept the reality. In general, this reaction is absolutely normal, but still worth it to learn a few things that will help you recover faster after a miscarriage.

How to recover from a miscarriage

What to do if a miscarriage

Abortion is the process where the embryo out of the uterus before it can survive on its own. The main symptoms of this event is severe bleeding and sharp pain in the abdomen and back. Depending on how many weeks lasted your pregnancy, this condition may persist for several days, in which case you should definitely be under the supervision of a physician.

By the time you realize that you have had a miscarriage - the process can not be stopped. Miscarriage can be prevented if undergo regular ultrasound examination and give blood to check the level of hCG and Rh compatibility.

Once the doctor confirms miscarriage, it will make recommendations for further physical treatment. To menstrual cycles have returned, your uterus should be completely free. Sometimes, it occurs naturally, and fetal tissue are located independently, may sometimes assign medication or surgery. The doctor may also recommend not to introduce anything into the vagina for two weeks - to have sex or use tampons - to avoid contamination. A few weeks after a miscarriage should definitely undergo an additional examination in order to understand when you can get pregnant.

Get ready to experience the different stages of

Many people suffering from the loss of any type, pass through a series of steps on the path to emotional healing. The order in which there will be the first three stages can be varied, as well as the feelings that you experience, but knowledge of this will help you understand that you - not the only one going through this pain.

  • Shock and denial. You can feel lost and do not believe that this happened to you. This protective mechanism designed to protect the psyche from the trauma of loss.
  • Wines and anger. You can start to blame yourself for what happened, "if there would be more than pleased to have this pregnancy, the baby would have survived," "I'm not a lot of rest and malnourished." You can start to blame others - a partner who did not build a perfect relationship with you, or even God allowed this to happen. You're able to feel resentment and envy of surrounding women who are still happy and pregnant or already have kids.
  • Depression and despair. You may feel constantly sad, crying all the time, to experience problems with sleep and food, and also to think about what your life has lost meaning.
  • Adoption. In the end, you have to accept the loss. What is important is: you will not forget about it, you can just take it and go back to normal life.

Allow yourself to experience a sense of

How to recover from a miscarriage

The sorrow that you feel, it is realistic, and it does not matter at what stage of pregnancy you lost the baby. Close to console you can start with "you will be able to give birth to" the importance of reducing your losses. Someone might offer to perform a ritual of grief - such as disposal diapers to close the kind of Gestalt. These methods can only complicate the healing process. At the same time, if you have suffered a miscarriage, it is worth remembering that you have the right to mourn the unborn child as much as you need.

Ask Support

Seek the support of your partner - even if it does not look visually shocked, it does not mean that he is not going through. If you openly share their feelings with each other, rather than try to hide them, this will help recovery after an abortion you both.

Most people do not know what to say and how not to seem intrusive in such a difficult time, so it is likely that your loved ones just give you space. Of course, you can create a feeling that you have thrown - so tell others that can help even a silent embrace, as well as recognition of the fact that you're not going through this alone.

If you are religious, ask advice from his mentor. You can also share your experiences with a support group or with those friends, who also have experienced miscarriage. Remember that 10% to 20% of women of pregnancies end in a loss, and you may be surprised to know how many of your friends go through it, but do not tell. If you do not want to share their feelings or do not feel the need for it - you also have the right not to do so.

recovery after miscarriage

Give yourself time to

No matter what emotion prevails now, give yourself time to ensure that it survive. Admit that in your heart there is a place for the lost pregnancy, and you may feel sad about it even years later.

Over time, you'll have to feel better, but if this does not happen and you still can not have a bad sleep, not concentrated and avoid contact with loved ones - should seek professional help.

How to recover from a miscarriage

Plan your big thing

Try to plan something significant: for example, plant a tree, flowers, go on vacation, or at least spend a memorable dinner with your partner. Set yourself a global problem that has nothing to do with the work, and find out how a miscarriage prepare for the next pregnancy.

Remember that it is not the end of

Even among women with four consecutive unexplained miscarriages, about 65% have a successful next pregnancy that ends with natural childbirth.

Remind yourself that you are still able to conceive and give birth to a healthy baby. For the vast majority of women miscarriage is a single event - and in fact a sign of fertile opportunities.

Are you an event or your loved ones to experience miscarriage?