In harmony with the world: how to struggle with anxiety will improve your relationship with people

Anxiety affects not only the person's inner state, but also affects their relationships with others - and this is one more reason to take care of your mental health. Heroine will tell you how to change life, if you can do it with a constant concern.

Can you pay more attention to the surrounding

In harmony with the world: how to struggle with anxiety will improve your relationship with people

Anxiety disorders make people get hung up on their own thoughts and actions. Because of this, he is inattentive to others and as a result, less understand them and even more immersed in himself.

This is particularly evident on dates and other exciting games. You think not about whether you like the man, but only worried, looked like, what to say, how he understood you and see whether there is still wanted. For any meeting of human anxiety - not just an opportunity to have a good time, and the examination way to evaluate themselves and once again reinforce its own uncertainty.

When the deficiencies concern fades into the background, it becomes much easier to pay attention to what is happening around. The head is released from the negative thoughts, and you can concentrate on the development of real relationships.

will be easier to trust people

In harmony with the world: how to struggle with anxiety will improve your relationship with people

Anxious people often perceive the world distorted, he sees around and catch the ambiguity and difficulty believe in the fact that someone can genuinely feel good about it. To build any close relationships - romantic, friendly - it is important to afford to be vulnerable. There is always the risk of being cheated or disappointed, but likely to be happy, find love, or good support, no less. Once you cope with anxiety and stop always assume the worst, to let the people in your life will be easier.

learn to listen to

When you're anxious, difficult to be present in the moment. While a colleague tells how spent the weekend, you are torturing the endless stream of thoughts, fears, doubts, a sense of fight or flight. Even worse, when panic attacks are accompanied by physical symptoms: nausea, palpitations, dizziness.

An important step in the fight against anxiety - learn to recognize this situation and decide what you will choose another time to worry. Once you learn to reject intrusive negative thoughts, you will notice that it has become more involved in different social situations and get pleasure from communicating with people.

Can you say "no" when you need it

Attentive to their mental health - it means to practice self-care, and the key point of this process - the ability to say "no." This is a difficult skill, especially for people with anxiety. They often tend to avoid social interaction, but the need to deny someone makes them even more of a concern. Anxious person worries that think about it in the event of failure, even if invited, will not spoil it his relationships with others. Understanding that all these terrible consequences exist only in your head, I will admit that you have every right to say "no" - and people will understand you. Moreover, if you will agree only to the meetings and events that really want to feel them relaxed, calm and find a common language with people easier.

In harmony with the world: how to struggle with anxiety will improve your relationship with people

understand that asking for help - this is normal

Work on yourself and get rid of anxiety will help you understand what you can and should ask for help from others. In our society, reluctant to talk about mental health problems, but this does not mean that they do not exist. It is likely that your colleague or someone from friends feel the same way. The opportunity to talk openly about the fact that you care to share your fears with someone - builds confidence, it helps to feel the support and, ultimately, a better understanding of other people.