How music can make you more confident

No matter how severe was your week - you can still use the simple life hacking to get rid of fatigue and tune in quality holiday weekend. Today we decided to find out how you can use listening to music in order to not only lighten the mood, but also to stimulate the brain, and even establish contact with the family.

1. Gives instant lifting mood

How music can make you more confident

Music helps change your mood faster than any other occupation. It can help you focus on the work, to give energy to cheer when sad, or vice versa, you knock out a tear, when you feel that you just need to release their emotions. You have the opportunity to listen to what they want, focusing on one's mood - and the fact that you want felt.

In one of his studies from McGill University neuroscientists participants were connected to the MRT, and their brain activity was analyzed while listening to music. It was found that a peak emotional moments in songs identified listeners, dopamine is released in the nucleus accumbens, the structure, located deep in the brain. This is very important, because dopamine is normally released when the actions of a biological "benefits", for example during eating or sex. He also does in the use of powerful and addictive drugs - cocaine or amphetamines.

2. Helps to get rid of negative emotions

Playlists consisting solely of motivational songs - those that remind you that you're worth more. Always include it in particularly difficult moments, when it seems that may have nothing to get better and easier to just hide in a blanket and feeling sorry for yourself.

3. Helps you to feel what you really want to

Pay attention to what the performers are mainly present in your playlist. How much of them striking women who declare themselves, and how much - nostalgia for bygone feelings? Set your favorite songs - is a unique combination that perfectly demonstrates who you are and what you want.

How music can make you more confident

There is another part of the brain that releases dopamine peak moments of the song - the caudate nucleus, is responsible for the anticipation of pleasure. Scientists suggest that the scheme works like this: you have in your head about the song memories that you once enjoyed, and you're anticipating a great time in it. This combination of anticipation and pleasure - a powerful combination that proves that we, in principle, biologically inclined to listen to the music that we like, and not one that we impose on the radio.

4. Motivates before the start of the working day

If your morning coffee and charging has not helped you to cheer up, and in public transport, and you do swayed - use music to bring yourself in tone. Feel free to use tricky techniques such as listen to music from a cartoon you loved as a child.

How music can make you more confident

The results of that study and explain the MRI why we can listen to the same song over and over again, but still enjoy it. The emotional component of listening to a familiar piece of music is so strong that it can be easily reproduced even years later. If someone would have asked you to talk about the graduating classes, you would share a few important memories. But the music you listened to in years, would allow you to go through the same feelings and remember the emotions that you felt back then.

5. Helps relax

When you go home from work, where everything seemed too noisy and intrusive, choose instrumental music for the road. Harmonious melody will help you get rid of the stress and the daily stress and to tune in to a pleasant evening to take care of yourself.

How music can make you more confident

6. gives confidence that all will achieve

If you come a huge amount of work - is added to the playlist of the songs that cause you a storm of positive emotions. Mentally sing along with favorite artists, and they will help you to understand that no matter how much work had to be done either - sooner or later it will come to an end.

7. It helps to reconnect with their roots

How music can make you more confident

Do not get round national music - look, modern styling of tunes sung by your ancestors, especially if you are a representative of a small nation, whose legacy is almost lost. Try to hold a joint evening with his family is not watching a film and discussing the news, and for listening to music, which would have to pull together. Chairwoman of the project on the study of the influence of music on our brain Valori Salompur found that when people listen to strange music, their brain processes along the contours of the sound, looking for recognizable patterns that could predict where the song is moving. If the music sounds too foreign to be difficult to predict the structure of the song. Once you do not like it - do not stand out dopamine. But if the music has some recognizable features - the familiar rhythm or melodic structure - you can enjoy it more. It's like a roller coaster ride - you know what was going to happen, but I still wonder and enjoy the process.

What are the lyrics especially give you confidence?