Hormones and food: what determines hunger and PMS

The word "hormone" comes from the Greek word hormonum - literally momentum and for good reason: hormones actually have the ability to activate the cells and organs in your body. Hormone - powerful and unpredictable force, but it does not mean that it can not be controlled. Here are a few things you should know about the hormones and how what they do.

Hormones affect all

Hormones and food: what determines hunger and PMS

Hormones - chemical your body of the message. They are created in the endocrine glands and secreted into the blood to reach all tissues. They affect every process in the body, including growth, mood, sexual desire, reproductive function, hunger, sleep, emotions and metabolism. In essence they - messengers that tell the body how to do is. If hormones are not balanced, it leads to many health problems.

On the hormones should be friends

Do hormones a bad reputation - people constantly complain about how they feel. When the body is balanced, as if we were at the peak: a fast metabolism, a long deep sleep. Pay attention to changes in mood and how changing your hunger to learn the language of hormones. Try to drink more water, add fiber to your diet and go to bed on time - very soon you'll understand how the balance is leveled.

Hormones can do tricks

Sometimes hunger - not a physical need for your body to eat. And it's not a lack of willpower. Sometimes it's just the effect of hormonal "messages" that cause cravings. I want something of milk? Ask your body: I ​​really want ice cream or I just feel a sense of what it is I need? It is possible famine hides other need - to walk, to embrace or even in something that will produce oxytocin in your body.

It is important that you give your body

Nobody is going to lecture, but the alcohol really affects the level of estrogen in the blood sugar, the sensation of hunger, and bone density. According to the Global Treatment Center, protein intake, for example, eggs and fish, will also help to eliminate estrogen balance and liver function.

Sugar strong

Studies show sugar - a real drug that is addictive. The hormone insulin decides how to process energy from the food you consume and what to do with it. When we give the body too much sugar, insulin turns out to burn fat friend in the fat-absorbing enemy. Sugar affects the pleasure centers in the brain and gives small bursts of dopamine, which means that if you overdo it with the sweet, your body will crave more, to get the dose again. This leads to a hormonal imbalance, leading to overeating, which ultimately leads to shame and guilt.

Red meat is not the best way affects

Hormones and food: what determines hunger and PMS

The estrogen - a hormone that is to thank for the fact that you were born a girl. It is this messenger tells the body "to be a woman." But the high kuroven estrogen leads to weight gain, water retention, and other health problems. And one of the causes of increased estrogen - red meat. The fact that the meat is full of steroid hormones that dramatically affect the estrogen, and even if you're sitting on a diet high in meat, most likely not pay enough attention to fat, which is a tool to stabilize estrogen. If you struggle with the fact that your weight increases bezprichinno you often swell up and you have a regular mood swings - think about reducing red meat in their diet.

No one likes caffeine

Caffeine causes an increase in cortisol - a hormone key to save fat and energy. Sometimes it is called the stress hormone because when the level exceeds a certain threshold, it deprives the feelings of joy, does not sleep and affects the weight. If you are very worried, coffee cup - the last thing you need. Try to change it to black tea or water with lemon.

Your body is constantly talking to you about something

Often asked questions, analyze why your stomach upset today? It seems silly and a bit childish, but it will help you to slow down a bit to think about what is happening inside. Move more - Exercise and even laughter stabilize hormones and produce more endorphins, which lead us to the excellent state of health.