Happiness is contagious: the benefits of Nordic lifestyle

Happiness is contagious: the benefits of Nordic lifestyle

The air temperature in the northern countries in winter allows you to continually enjoy walks, not to mention the short photoperiod, but the Danes regularly enter the top five of the happiest people in the world. Perhaps this contributes to a particular way of life, centered on the search for comfort and tranquility.

American writer Suzanne Nilsson called the Nordic way of life, "the absence of anything irritating or emotionally overwhelming, combined with the pleasure pleasant things."

Scandinavian concept has become a trend yesterday: thousands of books have been written about how to arrange the room and change clothes, and hashtags on social networks do not leave the first lines of the most popular themes. But the idea of ​​"hyugge" applies not only to the situation around, but also means a certain state of mind, which puts at the head of your life is only something that brings satisfaction or joy. Change of lifestyle on the Nordic lifestyle will achieve many benefits at once in different areas:

Emotional benefits

Life in the Nordic style contributes to the feeling of tranquility and peace within your own home. Because the environment affects us through images, sounds, bodily sensations, tastes and smells, it is not surprising that create a cozy space helps reduce anxiety. Comes a feeling of comfort and security allows you and those who share with you a space to open up and be simpler and more honest in relation to each other. Other possible benefits include:

  • Reduction of anxiety and depression
  • Increasing optimism
  • Stress Reduction
  • Improving Care
  • Improving the identity

Physical Benefits

Happiness is contagious: the benefits of Nordic lifestyle

When we feel safe and calm, our body reacts accordingly. Surrounding our atmosphere creates a feeling of safety and comfort, in which the mind and body will feel more relaxed. All the physical benefits are linked, so that helps to solve most health problems:

  • Improving the quality of sleep
  • weight control
  • Lowering cortisol
  • Improved Practice Self
  • reduce the need for drugs and alcohol

Improving social relations

Nordic lifestyle focuses on communication with family, friends and loved ones. When we feel comfortable and emotionally safe, we try to build and develop a more likely due to the other. In turn, spending time with those who are most important to us, it creates a sense of belonging and connection, which, according to studies, affects our health and well-being. We feel more confident when linked with others. In addition, in a comfortable environment, we are not afraid to show my vulnerability to others that the same is simplified in a large and comfortable house with the most important people around.

The reduction of the life of significance

Happiness is contagious: the benefits of Nordic lifestyle

Skeptics believe that hyugge concept works only because the residents of Denmark and the other Nordic countries are in countries with good economic growth, high wages, free education and medical care competently constructed system. Indeed, the level of health and income is taken into account in the report as one of the seven most important factors of happiness. At the same time, sociologists have found that finance and happiness are linked directly, only if you do not have enough to make ends meet. Once your earnings level is much higher than the level of the important expenses - the correlation is reduced. A much more important factor was the fact how much time respondents spend with their loved ones. Nothing to do with fame or fortune - only critical social relations. In this regard hyugge concept can mean not only the evening in a cozy blanket with candles around, but small gatherings with friends for a pleasant conversation. No phone, cooking dinner and sharing equal time for everyone in the conversation.

Most of us like to feel happy and be in comfort, but it is not necessary to move to Denmark. You can turn hyugge elements in their daily lives, and it does not require you serious cost. It is enough to establish the lighting in the apartment, add healthy foods and learn new hobbies. Implementation of even some of these elements can bring a sense of peace, communication and comfort into your lifestyle.

Have you tried the technology of Nordic lifestyle?