8 physical symptoms of loneliness

From time to time to stay one helpful, but the long-term social exclusion has serious health consequences. Loneliness causes a lot of negative emotions: sadness, anxiety, fear, and nervous because of the close connection between body and mind, we begin to live physically. Scientists have identified a number of serious symptoms that can hurt you, if you're lonely for a long time.

1. Muscle tension

8 physical symptoms of loneliness

If loneliness led to a severe emotional stress, you may be faced with constant and increasing pain in the muscles. Stress increases the muscle tension and depressive character disorder is closely associated with an increased perception of pain. It can also affect the weakness in the legs, limb fatigue, cramps and back pain.

2. Blurred consciousness

The biggest influence on the human loneliness, not counting the emotional state, is in memory. Studies show that over-frequent forgetfulness and confusion is closely linked to the development of depression. A memory problems can interfere with work, school and other objects, which also affects the decision-making and the ability to think clearly. What next - the more difficult to integrate back into society.

3. Headaches

8 physical symptoms of loneliness

According to a report WebMD, 2/3 people experiencing loneliness, suffering severe headaches. And in this case, again running normally susceptibility to pain - when a person is depressed, it is much stronger than a migraine. Duke University Medical Center for five years studied 1400 patients with at least one blocked artery, and found that unmarried patients and patients without close friends three times more likely than others to die over the next five years.

4. Digestive problems

When we were due to something much experience, our bodies ready to fight or flee, which means off standard physical functions, such as digestion. This can be expressed as in the sense of "severe" stomach, and in severe inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

5. libido decrease

If you are lonely, you probably less inclined to sensuality. Modern psychologists believe that decreased libido is a reason it is in a constant feeling of stress and fatigue, as well as in the absence of regular social contact.

6. immunocompromised

Lone most colds and suffer from infections. Studies show a strong connection between loneliness and suppression of the immune system. Loneliness can cause chronic inflammation, as well as increase the level of norepinephrine in the body, which affects the body's immune function. Fun fact: according to statistics, vaccinations are less effective at single people.

7. Change in appetite

8 physical symptoms of loneliness

If you are lonely, you may experience a loss or loss of appetite, and maybe you suddenly start eating for two. Also, there are cases when a person is depressed just can not find the motivation to cook dinner, and goes to fast food, which eventually changes the taste habits of the body. Some doctors call it the "hunger of the soul", and focus on what you need to learn to distinguish between the desire of the body from the emotional anxiety.

8. Sleep problems

Loneliness also affects the quality of your sleep - and you can suffer from insomnia, and, on the contrary, feel exhausted after the 8-hour sleep. The researchers suggest that restless sleep at single people due to the fact that they feel that they are not safe. The connection between loneliness and poor quality of sleep was almost 70% greater among those who experienced the most brutal forms of violence. It is important also that the lack of sleep reduces the energy and makes you re-establish social contacts.