How to train if you are severely depressed or upset

How to train if you are severely depressed or upset

Search motivation for training in principle difficult, especially if you are struggling with depression or another mental disorder. One of the most versatile of symptoms associated with mental health problems - fatigue, which can cover absolutely all your life and follow up to the teeth cleaning. When you're depressed, tips "yoga workout" or "try cardio" seem ridiculous, but there are a few simple things that can be done so as not to lose shape while you are sick.

Plan ahead

Try to prepare in advance everything you need: Gather your desired clothes, set the alarm, prepare playlist or video lesson. So you can avoid unnecessary stress associated with these procedures. As soon feel the burst of energy - start training.

Start with a simple

How to train if you are severely depressed or upset

If you feel that there are no forces - start with something that will not lead to fatigue. Suitable 20-minute walk, which you can then either continue or go on an easy run. Do not underestimate the power of simple stretches - you can turn on your favorite TV series, which is watched over and over again, and slowly develop over the body ligament.

do at home

If you are hard to come to practice, not to push yourself for it. You do not need a gym to get a good sweat - use free applications for training or tutorials on YouTube, to learn new sets of exercises.

Ask the

How to train if you are severely depressed or upset

Depression leads to a feeling of isolation and loneliness, and the best way to deal with this condition are paired classes. Find a person who can be helpful, even if you feel depressed. This will help you stay motivated, to be responsible, as well as get more endorphins than from school alone. The more hormones that improve mood - the stage of your treatment will be faster.


If you really want to load your muscles, but you know that it is not the strength, try HIIT technique - "high-intensity interval training", which is also called interval training high intensity. Street workout typically last 10 to 30 minutes and composed of a combination of aerobic exercise with low intensity, for example, a simple foot, with small inclusions intensive.

HIIT workouts are extremely effective, for people with chronic health problems, they can improve the cardiovascular system, align the glucose and affect the overall condition of the body.

Try a new activity

Training should never be perceived as punishment, and if it seems to you that you go to Calvary, and not to the fitness center - it's time to change the scope. Experience the excitement or interest in something new during the depression - almost impossible task, especially when it comes to training. But if you want to warm up your muscles, and everything seems bored - choose a new activity. Suddenly you fit capoeira? Consider the perspective of start weight training.

Be self softer

How to train if you are severely depressed or upset

It is important to develop a healthy relationship with their own body, listening to him and treated him gently. There will be days when your workout is over sooner than you expected, and you should not blame yourself for that. Do not be your own critic, and to be patient about their mental health. Remember that regular exercise helps you to stimulate the healing process, but it is without them will be successful, if you take care of the other psychological aspects of his life.

Are Sometimes you worry about the fact that there are no forces in the exercise?