In time for 60 seconds: 7 tips on time management

In time for 60 seconds: 7 tips on time management

The frantic pace of today's world every free minute that you can spend on yourself and your family, it is at a premium. Also on the horizon is constantly there is something new and interesting. But like everything in time and try all the time and if so sorely lacking?

To find the "extra" time (which is not to be superfluous!), You need to spend a little work. If you complete the entire set of tips that can be released every day for at least 40 minutes, maybe more. For the week will almost 5 hours of free time!


Professionals Time Management joke that the first thing you should always make a list of required lists, and then strictly follow it. Truth there really is - to have at least a few lists essentially facilitates routine tasks and does not allow to forget something important, and then waste time remembering it.

The most useful lists - a list of routine daily and weekly cases, work tasks for a day and plans for evenings and weekends. A quick glance at these things is enough to instantly recall them and build a head the order of their execution. We also recommend you to make lists of films to view, book and reading for the so-called "pending cases" - for example, longridov the Internet, check for new information on hobbies, and so on. But the most useful is a shopping list that you need to be each time when visiting a store - then you will not only save the time that would be spent on a wander around the departments, but did not buy anything extra.

"dead time" and the combination of

"Dead time" - is forced intervals between things that we usually did not use or deal with them in any nonsense, to kill time. For example, it is a trip on public transportation, standing in line, waiting for a friend or a colleague at the meeting. Not always this time can be calculated in advance (except for regular commuting to work), but it still can be used wisely.

Read a book or a blog, which had long been planning to explore, take a textbook of English or sketchbooks or begin to knit a warm scarf.

Study your list of desires and interests - and certainly there are such things.

Also useful will be the combination of some cases. For example, when cleaning and cooking, you can listen to audio books or train diction patters, and in the store, picking fruit, you can listen to the new album of your favorite band, to which all are not reached.

TV Shows

If the TV still occupies an important place in your home leisure, we have bad news - according to statistics, it consumes a huge amount of time that would be free. And it's not in some kind of ideological rejection of the television, and advertising. It takes so much essential traffic that any TV show or TV series are one and a half times longer. It is now much easier to download the desired video or watch it online with a minimum amount of advertising or even without it.


In time for 60 seconds: 7 tips on time management

It is necessary to conduct such an experiment - to draw 2-3 days and diligently record all that you do for the day, as well as how long it takes. Celebrate need and what the time is spent at work, on the Internet or household affairs. If we then analyze the information, it immediately becomes clear where the "funneling" precious minute. Most often it is too frequent and unnecessary checking social networks and e-mail, not just started working, or interrupted in the middle of a long domestic business, which at the time was poorly designed. According to the results of the recorded timing can make all "at risk" in a separate list and select for them a special time. For example, check e-mail only once in 3-4 hours and not more often. Surprisingly, even such a small thing can save a lot of time.


If you examine the entire list of tasks that has accumulated at home, it becomes clear that some of them can be delegated to his household. For example, a loved one can help to quickly wash and wipe the dishes, to get out on the balcony and take out the trash, and the child is quite able to clean up the toys in your own room. Of course, if you live alone, then this will not work. In this case, you can turn to the affairs of work or school - some of them certainly can be done together with colleagues, it will be much faster.

five-minute briefings

Select the night and make a list of cases that require quite a bit of time - 5, 10, 15 minutes. For a short period it is hardly possible to have time to read something or watch, but do some little thing and then facilitate a large multi-stage deal - easily.

Disassemble the magazines on the table, wipe the dust in the closet, to shift summer shoes in a box and store it in a closet - are examples of del- "pyatiminutok".

Take the 10 minutes to draw up a shopping list, tapping out the mat at the front door or the sorting of letters in a mailbox. In 15 minutes you can completely disassemble the paper on the desktop, to water the plants in the house, feed the cat, or put food in multivarku and turn it on. In the working process definitely need to pause, to keep the motivation and productivity. Keep this list handy - and by the end of the day, or the output will have time to do a lot of useful information.

to rest more

In time for 60 seconds: 7 tips on time management

This advice may seem absurd, but it really is the case - the more time (! Within reasonable limits, of course) get to spend on yourself, the more productive the rest will work. Ideally, you want to allocate to rest every 10 minutes on the hour and in the week to devote a weekend completely yourself. Then all the remaining operating time and so will not accumulate discontent, and any deal will be completed in a few times faster.

If it is a vacation does not work, try at least to make more variety in their actions. Set a timer and alternate their studies and types of cases every half an hour or even 20 minutes. So you'll be less tired and have time to do more for the same amount of time.