6 things that are not necessary to spend time in the summer

Months infinitely bad weather came to an end, and now it seems that you are able to realize any dream - long evening walks, a trip to the sea, holiday cottage in the pool, scooter and a lot of ice cream every weekend. Plans may be many, and it is necessary to see to it that you do not hurt. Here are a few things that you should avoid this summer.

1. People who spoil your mood

6 things that are not necessary to spend time in the summer

The worst way to spend the summer - around the clock to be around people who cause you have only negative emotions. Think about how often your friends make you feel useless or guilty of something, what is objectively there is no reason. Get rid of any toxic effects, which may not be useful for any of the people.

2. Social Networks

At the same time take a break and a bit disconnected from the social networks. Turn off all push notifications and put away the phone sideways. Stop to take pictures that will burn in 24 hours and you more about them and can not remember.

Concentrate on what is happening and try to keep the current time in the memory of your brain, not your phone. And once your little vacation is over, check my subscription - one of these people does not inspire you to development and creativity?

3. Grievances on the weather

6 things that are not necessary to spend time in the summer

You have scheduled a Saturday picnic with her friends in the park, but the rain suddenly ruined all the plans? Keep a positive outlook on things, instead of despair, that the holiday is postponed. Think about what you can still do even if the weather is not conducive to walking.

In the summer there may be other days - when the thermometer scale is not enough due to the scorching sun. Do not be ashamed of what you spend the whole day at home in the air conditioner, because it is not necessary each year off to spend some physical activity. At the same time you can move a dinner with friends right in your apartment, inviting them together to cook something unusual.

4. Impulsive spending

The fact that you have a limited budget, should not interfere with the fun. Carefully review the list of life hacking, which allow you to save on travel, and pre-planned, as the money will be allocated for travel.

It is not necessary to hire a professional photographer if you are together with your friends can create your own creative spaces and images. And if you want bright shots and impressions - to negotiate with bloggers in your town who just want an unusual shooting for their profiles. This will allow you and make new friends, and at the same time dilute his insta-tape.

5. Wait until friends freed

6 things that are not necessary to spend time in the summer

If you have already figured out where you want to go, and go, and all that remains - to wait until the partner or friends be freed, better follow their own plans. You do not have to constantly be close to someone, to get pleasure from what is happening. In addition, you can always share with them the experiences later.

6. The things that you do not inspire

Summer will not last forever, so that every minute is crucial. Try not to hammer daily plans, which do not bring you pleasure. If you do not like barbecues, refuse an invitation, or to stipulate that you come quite a while. Want a little on Friday to be alone? Afford it and do not worry about what your social life began to seem scarce.

And from what you're planning to give this summer?