How to believe in myself when everything is against you

Have you ever noticed that no one says, how to believe in themselves? Users are advised to just do it, to change lives for the better, but do not give the instruction manual. You lose so much money, health, strength, and it seems that everything is against you - where to get self-confidence? But a series of setbacks - this is not the end. Here are a few statements that will help you cheer up.


Even if you think it is not good enough, your friends know who you really are. When you're desperate, go to each other and spend time with him.

How to believe in myself when everything is against you


Times may be tough, but you're a lot tougher. Sometimes you yourself own worst enemy. Think about how you usually cope with stress. Throw a challenge.

How to believe in myself when everything is against you

3 Even if a storm at sea, he will not last forever. Sooner or later, the waves calm down. Life is cyclical.

4. You can not ride until you yourself do not sognesh his back.

5 Even when everything looks dull, you can find beauty and joy in the things around you.

6Colntse sets to rise again. How long can a hard time? Nothing is eternal.

How to believe in myself when everything is against you


Your luck can change. And more importantly, you do not surrender as long as it does not happen. Life is full of ups and downs. Blood, sweat and tears will pay off.

How to believe in myself when everything is against you

8 You - a dreamer, whose big plans will certainly be realized, even if now they are on hiatus. Remember: everything you do - the little road to your success.

9. The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself, you are is who you want to be.

10 If it did not rain, there would be no rainbow. How would you appreciate the good times, if it were not bad?

11. Take sadness. Understand that the gain will not be as good without loss.


You love, and love is not just. You may feel that you fall, but you just stopped at one point. When it seems that you really have nothing to offer in return, and someone does not ask.

How to believe in myself when everything is against you


You never give up. You keep going, and stops only to celebrate your success!

How to believe in myself when everything is against you