Checklist: 10 evidence that you unknowingly self-harm

When it comes to self-Harm, usually it means self-mutilation, such as cuts to the hands and feet or scratching unhealed scratches. But physical damage - not the only way that you can harm yourself, even without realizing it. After consulting with our check-list, you will know whether you have habits that plague your way of life, mood, and mental health.

1. Izoliruesh themselves from society

Checklist: 10 evidence that you unknowingly self-harm

If you spend your spare time at home, avoiding communication with loved ones and meeting new, do not go for a walk or to the mall on the weekend - the likelihood is high that you subconsciously forbid myself to enjoy life.

Each of us there are times when you really want peace and quiet, but even for introverts useful time to change the situation from time to time. Pay attention to how you spent a weekend recently, and if you are in isolation from society - it is an important reason to think about why you became a burden around.

2. You spend too much money

One of the most common habits observed in people who can not cope with his grief, or other negative emotions, - impulsive purchases. It seems that if you are a good thing - you'll feel better. But the joy of the purchase quickly coming to an end due to the understanding that you have gone beyond your budget, spending money is not the most important items. The cycle starts all over again, and yet you do not stop to fill the emptiness inside senseless shopping, your condition will worsen.

3. You put other people's needs above their

Checklist: 10 evidence that you unknowingly self-harm

A bright sign of self-destructive behavior - put the needs of others higher than their own. Imagine that you have come to the guests, who, even at two o'clock do not want to go to sleep on the guest sofa, knowing that you early in the morning to work. If you keep them entertained, struggled coping with sleepiness - this means that you do not care enough about themselves and too much attention was paid to friends comfortable.

4. Avoid trips to the doctor

Everyone can find at least one unpleasant experience of communication with doctors in Russia, and it is not surprising that many of us try to avoid them as long as possible. At the same time, pass regular inspections and annual blood tests may result in the development of severe chronic diseases.

5. Sabotiruesh close relationships

If you noticed that for a long time hurting the people you love, because you think that they do not deserve - this is an important occasion to address to the therapist.

6. An excessively drink alcohol or drugs

Checklist: 10 evidence that you unknowingly self-harm

Alcohol or drugs may give you a feeling of lightness in the body, temporarily lift your mood and distract from the serious thoughts. But if every night you finish, without the help of foreign matter, it means that you're not good enough to cope with stress.

7. Too actively train

Training - one of the most important components of modern day women, but the constant overload does not mean that you make yourself healthier. Nice person to work in the pot, but if you constantly suffer from sore muscles and barely pleteshsya after Hall home - is to understand why you make yourself to work harder than necessary. Remember that excessive exercise can lead you not only to the loss of the overall energy level, but also serious injury, from which it is difficult to sufficiently recover.

8. Intentionally look at the video nasty

Checklist: 10 evidence that you unknowingly self-harm

If you are tied to the video channel Mash or ru_chp community, each time feeling frustrated and frightened at the sight of another terrible accident - you definitely intentionally hurting yourself and your mood. These signs can be seen in the horror film fans, if they get by watching the film negative emotions rather than adrenaline excitement.

9. you have a problem with eating habits

Unordered graph food, malnutrition or overeating and any other eating disorders suggest that you have a serious problem with stress. This may be due to the neglect of his own body, properly prepared diet or other causes for which you punish yourself. In any case, if you continue in the same vein, you can increase the number of problems associated with digestion, worsen the condition of your skin, hair and nails, and it will not help to restore self-esteem.

10. Too often change partners

Checklist: 10 evidence that you unknowingly self-harm

has been actively emancipation of women has allowed the girls to recognize that they too have their needs in a sexual relationship, and not be afraid to say it out loud. At the same time, if you notice that the number of your partners is changing too fast, and you do not even try to know a person better - it may indicate your desire to self-destruct themselves and subconsciously avoid any trust and strong relationships. Also, if you think you can not be in itself, and therefore are looking for relationships almost from the first decent man, you just exacerbates the loneliness and create a relationship with too few chances for the future.

Did you notice that the harm to herself?