Star mode: lived a day like Victoria Beckham

Star mode: lived a day like Victoria Beckham

We often admire the style and wise quotations successful women. What else should be inspired, so it is with the way celebrities organize your day. Begin to offer a flawless Victoria Beckham, which combines the high life, working on his own collection of clothing, travel, and still finds time for her husband and four children. The star shared her schedule with The Guardian. Looking at it, it is clear that material prosperity and a staff of assistants do not cancel the rigid discipline and restrictions.



Early wake up - one of the most important habits of successful women. We have already told how you can productively spend the morning.

Victoria Beckham prefers to start the day with sport. She gets up between 5:30 and 6:00 am and quickly preparing for training.



Star mode: lived a day like Victoria Beckham

Training - an important part of the life of Victoria Beckham. It starts with a little warm-up, and then goes to the track, where he spent about 45 minutes. While running, Victoria often looks documentaries to combine business with pleasure.

If during the day at the time Beckham released, it it also tries to spend in the gym, which is already working with a trainer.

Victoria always finds a place in your schedule for the sport, it does not matter, it is at home or traveling. Victoria a great example of that, when there is desire, there is a possibility.

If you still start your day with a jog only in dreams, check out our tips on how to motivate yourself for the morning workout.


Healthy breakfast

Star mode: lived a day like Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham does not pretend that she eats whatever she wants. She carefully monitor their diet and recognizes that most food preparation involved a husband than she did.

Breakfast Beckham family consists of smoothies. Favorite recipe: apple, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, lemon, and chia seeds. Another morning meal - germinated seeds with organic almond milk.

Victoria regularly takes collagen and vitamins to maintain health and good shape. As he told in an interview with Star The Guardian:

I am very, very disciplined in how I train and what I eat. This makes me happy. I expect a lot from your body - I am 44 years old, I have four children, I work a lot, I travel. To withstand all this, I have to eat healthy food and exercise.



Star mode: lived a day like Victoria Beckham

Now the main activities of Victoria Beckham is concentrated in the fashion industry. Last week it presented its joint collection with Reebok, which in March will go on sale. In the line of shoes, accessories, casual wear unisex beige, orange, black and white colors.

Beckham spends a lot of time in his studio, which delves into all processes from design to the selection of images of music and video shooting.

From the minute I start working, I work in a non-stop, - said Victoria Harpers Bazaar. - I have to be very focused.

On the way to work, she once again planning their day. Beckham has a team of assistants who follow the calendar and remind her where it should appear. In addition, Victoria is her diary, which records all the plans.



Victoria Beckham has a lot to do, she tries to complete by 16 hours, to spend time with their children. So she often eats straight to work with his team.

Beckham has always been guided by the rule: you have to be good to your body, if you want a lot from him. She admits that she loves eating healthy, so it is easy to adhere to proper nutrition. Best lunch for Victoria - salmon and greens.


Evening case

Star mode: lived a day like Victoria Beckham

Victoria tends to leave the office in the area for 16 hours, in time to pick up the kids from school. Then begin the usual family matters: to feed, to make lessons or attend a social event together.

About 19 hours Beckhams dine. Most often in the restaurant - probably due to the fact that Victoria does not like to cook. She arranges a date with David, or takes the kids on a family dinner.

After dinner, it's time to television programs, usually children. Once the younger children go to bed, Victoria for some time paid work, even from home.


Personal Care

Star mode: lived a day like Victoria Beckham

End of the day Victoria is committed taking care of yourself and good skin care - and in this it is similar to many of us. No matter how complex or was your schedule, always leave time to bring myself up and tune in tomorrow.

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