9 myths about careers that prevent you succeed

Around career was a lot of myths that we absorb from the last classes of the school, "not the most modest to ask for a raise", "you have to go up the ladder," "own implementation is more important than money." These stereotypes are not only untrue, but also limit you to work. We have gathered the most harmful ideas about a career that hinder your success. Read, understands and forget about them, because all the barriers only in your head.

1. Artists must starve

9 myths about careers that prevent you succeed

The creative approach in the minds of many people has little to do with making money. Therefore, musicians, artists, writers and other artists begin the path to success with parental opposition reproaches. In fact, there are many ways to turn their passion into a profitable business. You need only a little more perseverance, self-belief and disability.

2. That's all you need to know

What kind of information does not apply to your jurisdiction, it does not mean that you do not need to know it. The more professional contacts and skills you will be, the more valuable you will become an expert. Versatility - one of the main qualities of the modern worker.

3. Study provides all the necessary knowledge to work

9 myths about careers that prevent you succeed

As soon as you start work, you feel like a blind kitten. It seems that five years of university have been in vain, because you still do not know much else. Do not worry because of this, we have to continue to learn throughout their careers.

The belief that you should not ask for help erroneously. Turning for advice to more competent colleagues, you quickly learn how to do it right and you will avoid many mistakes.

4. Position determines how much you are important

Even if you do not consider his job a prestigious, you can use it to establish important professional connections, acquire skills and pass their way to the position of which you dream. There is no such a position that closes the other options for you. The main thing - a responsible attitude to work, to seek innovative solutions and do not stop in the professional development.

5. All private not leave the door of the office

9 myths about careers that prevent you succeed

This statement is in some ways even fair, but to remain human in the workplace is quite normal. The manifestation of a vulnerability will help build a relationship of trust with their colleagues. This will facilitate the understanding between you, but do not abuse them or bend with candor.

6. You have to climb the career ladder

The prestigious position will not necessarily work that you want. It is important to try to ensure that more will help your development, and not something pleasant to brag to your friends.

According to the creator of the resource The Soul Fueled Leader Jan tonaki, basic skills needed employee in today's competitive environment - Agility and flexibility:

Sometimes you need to take on the task, position and experience, which are lateral to you, a lower position in another discipline or completely leave the linear path through the ranks. You can gain a cross-functional skills. Not only do you acquire the flexibility and agility, as you begin to think globally.

7. You should not be too eager for power and money

Women are often criticized for being too masculine character. Our desire for power or money is perceived negatively, whereas for men it is a normal desire. Although up to the equal treatment of employees of both sexes in our country is still far away, you should not limit your opportunities because of absurd stereotypes. The word "careerist" there is nothing wrong, and the desire to earn more money is quite natural for a self-sufficient woman.

8. The other women - your rivals

9 myths about careers that prevent you succeed

Rather than compete with each other, women should unite in order to become stronger. Widespread sexism in the workplace and so creates the girls enough problems. Is not it better to be allies against inequality, rather than contribute to it.

9. Brag bad

We are taught from childhood that bragging - it's a disadvantage. Is it any wonder that when it comes time to promote themselves, we do not know what to say.

Many professionals have grown in belief system, as long as you are not working, not looking up, one will automatically see your value, and you get the advantage you deserve, - says the executive director of the NYC Shefali Raina. - There is a sense that self-promotion is purely selfish, and has a negative connotation, and many of us feel very uncomfortable promoting yourself. Contrary to this belief, if you speak for themselves in a safe and strategic plan, it shows that you are valuable, and what you want in your career.

You can hear all these expressions over and over again, but that does not make them true. The only advice worth listening to - one that will help you achieve success.