9 reasons why you do not increase

It seems that you are a long time working, disciplined, responsible and charming, but no one does not appreciate. You think that everything is growing and developing, and you, despite your best efforts, still in the same place. The reasons may be completely different, so if you want to reach the next stage of his career, make sure you do not commit these mistakes.

1. You do not have enough skills to

9 reasons why you do not increase

One of the most common misconceptions - you think your performance on their role - a sufficient rate to increase. However, success in one area does not guarantee benefits in another. For example, someone is able to carefully and quickly to work with Excel, but does not have the strategic thinking and bad analyzes data.

Check with the requirements of the work that you want to receive, and to determine what skills you need to improve, and then talk about it with the boss. Let him know that you are interested in, to grow, and to ask for advice, what to pay more attention.

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2. You are selfish and do not work in team

Selfishness - big red flag on your career. Lead the team to victory or to develop business as a whole - it means sacrificing personal time and energy principles. Doing only what is written in the job, and no step more? No help stranded colleagues? Your candidacy is not exactly support.

This applies to communication with the supervisor: if you have a collection of one-on-one, you can afford to argue with him. However, when it comes to meeting the whole team, you can not publicly state that the boss is wrong, in fact it will affect your progress.

3. You're not a patriot of

Even if you bring millions of sales, but it believes that all company will soon go to the bottom - no compensation will not be able to change the impression about you.

Even worse, if you pass for gossip, and has already been seen in the discussion guide. Even if it was only once, the trust will be difficult to restore.

4. You can not stay focused

9 reasons why you do not increase

There is no worse for managers than regular risks: the work is done at the last minute, the feedback on the work done is given too late, the future plans are unclear. Structures its work, pay more attention to planning. Write not only the to-do list for the day, but their work and forecast for the months ahead.

5. Do not take criticism

Doubt that among the readers there is one girl who was able to maintain her composure when she criticized. Remember that feedback is not always something bad. Maybe it means that your boss tries on the role of poznachitelnee you? He tells you how to improve your work - it's a good sign if you dream of improving.

Resist the inner desire to justify and defend himself. Try to take all the criticism and see what benefits you can derive from it.

6. You do not take the initiative to

Quite possibly, you just do not like to go out of your comfort zone and doing only the responsibilities that applies to you. But true leaders are involved in a variety of projects, curious and endeavor without regard to fatigue. Show that you care not only about his own career, but also on long-term health of the whole project. Write down the problems that you see, make an effort to find solutions. To cooperate with people from other departments to prove yourself as a leader.

7. You do not hope for anything good and looks uncertainly

Do you think that exudes a "quiet confidence", while the boss sees you alienated and in no way concerned. Pay attention to your reactions to different situations: whether palms sweat? In what position you're sitting in meetings? Your wardrobe and gestures have a big impact on how you see the surrounding. Think of the person you would like to see your manager, imagine his manners, and then begin to imitate it.

8. Have you ever wondered about the increase

9 reasons why you do not increase

Maybe your company is accepted to spend increase for the year, and perhaps as a result of the quarter - it does not matter: it is always necessary to test the waters in advance. Do not hide their ambitions, and gather information that will help you understand, you're moving in the right direction. Do not be afraid to ask for more: the worst thing they can say - this is "no."

9. Do you already have an excellent head of

Alas, no matter how you were good in any direction, it is possible that that your head or have the perfect boss, or someone's protege. Of course, even in this case, you can always count on the changes on the career ladder, but if after all attempts and conversations with the leadership you realize that there is nothing to catch, it is time to think about whether there is a place for you in this company at all. Demonstrates its value and significance, but be realistic.