Checklist: because of what is in you still do not see professional

Not so important, whether you're going to work in one place for the next 10 years, or is ready to change jobs after a couple of months, it never hurts to learn to work so that anyone was confident in your professionalism. In the long run, this will help you climb the corporate ladder, get promoted and praised the leadership abilities. We collected a few non-obvious problems that you are now creating the wrong image and spoil the trust of colleagues.

1. Problems with grammar

Checklist: because of what is in you still do not see professional

Typos - not a problem, and there is nothing wrong in the fact that from time to time you have committed mistakes in his letters. But if the error is too much, and you ignore advice embedded auto-corrector - your colleagues and clients will notice it and make a negative opinion about you. Small details are indicators of something larger, for example, irresponsibility and disregard of the case on which you work. Carefully check each letter before sending it to identify all possible errors.

2. Gossip

Checklist: because of what is in you still do not see professional

Post gossip about colleagues and customers easily, and it is hardly possible to meet someone who has not seen this. But if you think that an innocent comment about someone from another department can not hurt you, then you are greatly mistaken. Provide for yourself a reputation, in which all will know that you are not to discuss work or personal life of other employees, that no one can give you a definition of "gossip" instead of "professional."

3. Mess on the table

Each of us has our own style of work - someone needs a stack of papers, someone ten gadgets for testing, and someone just a few cups and vases with sweets. Rarely when management will want to entrust the job to someone who can not find the time to clean your own table. Keep the place clean and tidy and remove all unnecessary items in a box, so they do not distract others.

Checklist: because of what is in you still do not see professional

4. The absence of a meeting plan

Even if you expect a five-minute conversation with the head, in the absence of a clear plan, written down on paper, this conversation can go counterproductive. Thoughtful and point out a few important facts that you want to discuss, and it makes you look like an extremely responsible person, caring about the outcome.

5. The dislike of the

Under stress, few people can truly love my job, and every evening, probably, you feel the desire as soon as possible to get home. But if you constantly complain about their fatigue and lack of interest in this problem - the port your image professional, and also affects the morale of the whole team. If you are very angry - better go to the lunch break or chat with a colleague you trust.

6. Complaints salary

No person shall be pleased to earn less money than you want to, but instead of complaining - will focus their energy on solving the problem. Try to talk with the head of an increase, telling him how can change the quality of your work and how do you see its further growth and development.

7. Ignoring colleagues

If you walk around the office and meet unfamiliar colleague - you still worth to him to say hello, no matter how you were busy talking on the phone. You are on the same team, so from time to time try to spend time on getting to know others better. It is useful to you and even in those cases when you want to get an extra day off or will be in need of workers' councils.

Do you always follow your way to work?