What you should not tolerate at work

What you should not tolerate at work

If you are treated in a certain way, can you believe that this is what you deserve. Not surprisingly, because of this, women often develop inferiority complexes and problems with self-esteem for the work.

Every day in the workplace, women face systematic discrimination. This may be reflected in unequal pay, unfair assessments, and the finer points such as social biases. You have every right to say that you deserve better treatment, or look for another job. Here are some specific issues that need not be tolerated, even if you're in the shower and so you know that is worth more.

The lack of increase

According to a survey of personnel Fairygodboss agency, the most common complaint from women in their work is the lack of promotion. In another survey conducted by the auditing company Deloitte, revealed that half of the respondents said that they do not have leadership qualities. If what you think about yourself - because you perceive and surrounding.


What you should not tolerate at work

ghosting - a phenomenon that occurs not only in romantic relationships, and this can easily be encountered at work. Of course, people do not always take the time out to answer e-mails, and some tasks and questions from you may be less important than the meeting. But if you need something to learn to do their job properly, but you have no answer - do you have the absolute right to continue to insist on and demand an answer.

spores per shaming

When you ask for a salary raise, and you refuse - that is one thing. Much worse, if the head starts to manipulate you and say that your behavior is wrong. Or offers you a premium, and then under the pretexts refuses to pay. Anyone who has every right to ask for more money for their work, and it can not be cowardly act.

criticized for its lack of telepathy

If your head gets mad at you for what you did not do the task, which you have not informed - know you're not alone. It is fair to ask to explain what he wants, and do the job - or vice versa, to correct the error, which you have not reported earlier. Unfair to criticize people for what they do not possess the gift of telepathy, and leaders need to learn to take responsibility for the way he communicates and transmits the information.

The requirements to execute the query per minute

What you should not tolerate at work

You have the right to prioritize tasks in your schedule, including private life. Sometimes you do not even have a chance to read the letter, not to mention the fact, to accomplish the task - and you are not obliged to drop everything for the sake of one man. Most often, this face freelancers, because customers never think about what you have and other clients. Combo: if a person does not respond to your messages two weeks, and then calls for a response to its request within five minutes.

The salary that is less than that of men in a similar position

This still happens even in the most progressive companies and can affect mental health. One study in the journal Social Science & Medicine found that women who earn less than men with similar experience and level of education are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression. If you actually pay less than your male colleagues, you have every right to talk seriously with your supervisor.

Discussion of your appearance

No matter which category conversations - to sexual harassment or "fashion police", your appearance should not in any way referred to the table during the discussion. If you're not a model and actress who auditioned for a role, your clothes or make-up do not have nothing to do with work, and discussion of such topics would you feel as an object rather than as an important intellectual assets.