11 reasons why you called a bitch - and in vain

Last fall, I was sitting in the corridor of the trauma center with cracks in the ribs, waiting for their turn to X-rays. He came to the door a couple with a classic "we just ask." I rightly indignant, and I was suddenly called a bitch - really sorry to miss?

This story is repeated several times a week at different locations. I am the owner of a fragile baby face, and one-third met on my way to a man complains that I have a terrible temper, and in general, this girl could be and to remain silent. In fact, I am quite friendly and bitchiness called my persistence. Here are some reasons why and you certainly called a bitch.

1. The same behavior in men would approve of

11 reasons why you called a bitch - and in vain

The world is full of double standards: the guys called courageous, if they behave stubbornly and aggressively, the girls of the same behavior is called a bitch. You do not care for it - you're against the standards and do not want the men had special privileges. This is the only thing that matters.

2. You're not afraid to lose face

You do not care what other people think about you, or you could create an uncomfortable situation. For example, if your partner has publicly said something to you is invalid, you will not hesitate to notice it right away. It was inappropriate, and really need to talk about it. Some may say that you're losing your mind, but you do not care.

3. You called a bitch too often

Society is still not used to women who are not afraid to speak against it, so that when you assert itself, the surrounding really surprised. Some - so that come out of themselves and begin to call you bitch. You do not care, because you know that just stubborn and straightforward. Woman, persistently acting in defense of its borders, it seems people are so uncommon that offends? This quality can be proud of.

4. You're scaring some men

You are assertive, and it repels certain individuals. Some even try to get away from a date when they realize with whom faced. It's okay if a guy can not accept the truth about your character. It says that he will not be able to cope with your wants and needs, and therefore not worth spending time on it. It's not even funny how a simple girl can scare a grown man?

11 reasons why you called a bitch - and in vain


5. You do not disrespect priemlesh

Nothing will pass if the concerns of your desires and boundaries. If someone crosses the line - he finds out about this. This does not mean that you are satisfied with the scandal at the slightest provocation. Just to report that some of the words are insulting and unfair, and try to prevent a repeat of the situation.

6. You ask a lot of questions

If something seems unclear - are you sure zadash question to understand. You do not seem terribly far away. You show people that you want to understand everything, and the next, so that your voice is heard.

7. When you say, people have to listen to

Your voice has attracted a lot of attention if you need something. For example, if delivery has collected set your sushi wrong and refuses to repair the damage, you do not just leave. Will demand the return of and not allow them to come out of the situation with impunity.

8. You're damn confident

11 reasons why you called a bitch - and in vain

Another reason why people are always listening to you - confidence. You refuse to apologize if the problem is not your fault. Your voice is clear and steadfast, and tone smooth. Those who support you, always delighted.

9. Do you feel well in leadership positions

Your behavior did not go unnoticed for the employer. It is obvious that you can present themselves and celebrate their best qualities. As a result, you often find yourself in a managerial position, as manifest themselves effectively with a large number of people.

10. You're good at a career

You climb the career ladder, using the skill to talk about what you need and what you deserve. Are not you ashamed to negotiate salary, while other women are afraid to even bring up the subject. As a result, you get excellent offery and moving deeper.

11. Do you have an opinion, but you know that is not always right

Persistence and confidence did not mean what you think, if you have all the answers. Like other people, sometimes you're wrong, but it does not prevent you to voice your thoughts.