5 simple habits that will help you become smarter

Together with a diploma of education institutions passed into our hands, and responsibility for their own intellectual development. No longer need to learn to read and to pass the exam. But in order to fulfill your potential, to earn good money, manage your life and enjoy it, intelligence is still needed. Heroine gathered a few habits that will help keep your brain in good shape. Spend a few minutes a day to become more intelligent.

1. Make a list of what you have done

5 simple habits that will help you become smarter

Lists not only help fight anxiety and be organized. This is a good exercise to improve memory and develop awareness.

Compiles a list of problems that could be solved. Fix ideas visiting you during the day, important conversations or new words that you learned.

Important in these lists - periodically review them, otherwise it loses its meaning. Scroll to the head suffered by the day or week are times you train memory and memorize the important stuff, and not just bury them in a diary.

2 explains one new thing every day

As Uncle Einstein taught, "if you can not explain it in simple words, you do not fully understand it."

Try every day to explain to someone new concept or phenomenon. With children, you have to go through this exercise on a regular basis, but if the kids are not near, will fit girlfriend, boyfriend or your dog. During the verbal explanation comes a few important things. You learn to formulate the idea so that it was understood differently. In the process you yourself to rethink the essence of the subject, find new meanings or reinforces their beliefs. The more often you'll to explain something, the better you will understand it myself.

3. Use exercise equipment for brain

5 simple habits that will help you become smarter

In the Internet many online simulators, games, programs for the development of mental abilities. But bear in mind that the brain adapts quickly and starts working on the machine, so you should always change the level of difficulty.

Take at least 10 minutes a day on the intellectual fitness. Come game on memorization, attention, reaction speed, to solve mathematical, logical problems. Do not look for simple tasks, just to amuse vanity, and make sure that does not completely degraded. The brain will resist difficulties, to persuade you to come back to a lazy rest of the soap operas - it just means that you are on the right track.

Some sites, such as Cognifit, permit the development of individual training program and monitor progress.

4. Get out of the comfort zone

Another rule: one day - one (or more) new thing. Movies that you do not normally look, the book not only for artistic entertainment, but also a useful non-fiction. The new course - to learn to do, and not available at the restaurant. Try closer to explore all that frightens and repels. Develop a trusting relationship with the world, do not be afraid to try the unknown, only then your brain will constantly form new neural connections.

Care of your comfort zone not only provides a new experience and knowledge, he develops emotional intelligence, which means that you will be easier to understand other people and interact with them.

5. engage in sports

5 simple habits that will help you become smarter

Moderate physical activity stimulates many organs and tissues, including nerve cells in the brain.

In the blood circulation is enhanced while driving, so the brain is better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Sport accelerates the development of dendrites - the neural processes in the brain.

Previously, it was believed that the positive effect of stress affects only those areas of the brain responsible for movement. Today proved that physical activity improves memory, thinking and learning ability.

Which of these habits, you are ready to use for the development of the intellect?