How to get rid of a bad mood during illness

The fact that your body has thrown all the energy to fight inflammation, does not mean that you have to be sad, lying in bed for several days and longing for friends and colleagues. We've put together a few simple ways to feel better if you do not have enough pleasant events due to bed rest.

Identify your feelings

How to get rid of a bad mood during illness

From time to time one can feel the sadness and longing, so that there is nothing unusual about these emotions. But pay attention to the fact, why are you feeling and what leads to this feeling. Are you so important to go for a session in the cinema with a friend, or are you afraid that she crosses out you from the list of relatives for one transferred appointment? Or your concern about the hospital due to the fact that you are afraid to let down their colleagues in the workplace?

This method will help you remember why you even do his own thing, and what has always dreamed, but forgot to implement. Perhaps, your disease will alarm, which will bring you back to reality and allow new forces to take on new business.

to dress up

It is unlikely that you will be able to feel better if you walk around the house in the same clothes two days in a row. Choose some comfortable clothing parts that felt nice on the skin, and do not think about how they fit together. Try to choose a warm natural fabrics and flying cut and give up the use of too tight clothes.

Clean sotsseti

How to get rid of a bad mood during illness

Dependence on social networks - a disease that causes concern among physicians around the world, so allow time for it to have a little clean up their social networks. Check on whether all messages you said, accomplish your goal by the people for a long time causing you irritation, as well as the community's prowess and channels that you really are not going to read.

Install the app to calculate the time spent on social networks, and the mood of the restriction on 1-2 hours a day. This will allow you to focus on what happens in real life, as well as to look for more opportunities to meet with your friends for a pleasant stay.


If you are not practicing meditation daily, you may be hard to stay in one place for around five minutes, which causes a lot of irritation in the moments when you are assigned bed rest. Scientifically proven benefits of meditation - is reason enough to begin to master this art, so do not delay the first training session for later. Use special applications, which include a timer and pleasant music, and try to help him gradually to reduce their anxiety.

Section with a close dinner

How to get rid of a bad mood during illness

Even if you have a cold, does not mean that you can not communicate with others, especially if you do not forget to ventilate the room and wear a protective mask. Prepare vegetable soup or smoothie, and take a loved one to dine with you and discuss the latest news.

Observe the animals

A simple way to increase the level of oxytocin - to look at cute animals. Invent a new game with your cat or dog, or just try to give them as much time as possible, since you will not be at work. And even if you do not have their own pets, you can choose any 'video dedicated awkward kids pandas or raccoons.

Enjoy the new book,

In this hectic lifestyle millenialam difficult to find time to read a good fiction book. Choose an interesting novel or a sci-fi novel that will not let you be sad and to strain his head, brew tea with berries and make yourself comfortable.

How do you deal with a bad mood during his illness?