Combating gender gap: what to do if you are paid less than male colleagues

Despite the fact that the company has made great strides in equality over the past 100 years, until gender equality is still far away. According to the study, which is published by the World Bank at the end of February 2019, only 6 countries in the world have overcome the gender gap: Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden.

Russia in the ranking of gender equality is at the 75th place, next to the Dominican Republic and Kenya. On average, our country women earn 27% less than men.

For global changes need to fight stigma and discrimination on a global level. But you should not wait for the world to change to achieve equality of where you live and work. Heroine figured out what to do if you get less than your male counterparts.

How to know it

Combating gender gap: what to do if you are paid less than male colleagues

One of the challenges in the fight against unequal wages - a common idea in society that we should not talk with colleagues about how much we earn. Some companies pay directly to discuss the guidance prohibited. But even if not, many of us are averse to talking about money, considering it something petty, and pretend to go to work not for financial reward.

In order to effectively combat discrimination and create a more just conditions of work, we have to overcome discomfort in talking about finances and develop a culture of openness. Do not hesitate to ask a colleague how he gets, but do it better in a private conversation - so a greater chance that people will trust. You can start to talk about his salary and even explain why you raise this topic - Share concern about whether your company's gender or racial inequality.

Next, tell you what to do if you are faced with discrimination in the workplace.

to study law

Combating gender gap: what to do if you are paid less than male colleagues

Sometimes, when faced with the fact that male colleague gets more women are trying to find a justification for this may be that he was able to negotiate a good amount during the hiring or come up with more high-paying jobs.

Women in our country do tend to evaluate their work less than men in similar positions. Researchers call this one of the reasons for the gender gap. That is why it is important to understand how much you want to earn more when applying for a job.

In addition, employers often offer initially the candidates is less than the candidates, because of enduring stereotype of "man - the breadwinner of the family."

Remember that none of these reasons do not change the fact that for the same job and you male counterparts have to pay the same - it is written in the Labor Code. In fact, you do not need to prove that the Chief deliberately discriminate against you based on gender, it is sufficient to find a confirmation of what you get less than a man in a similar position.

Be objective

There are several legitimate reasons why you may receive less than male counterparts.

Perhaps he has increased the amount of work, for example, it manages a large number of people or attract more clients than you. Or has a higher qualification - and this is confirmed by a certain type of experience or level of education.

But, if you compare your responsibilities, levels of competence, and is not explained the difference in pay, maybe you're faced with discrimination.

Talk to the chief of

Combating gender gap: what to do if you are paid less than male colleagues

Do not start a conversation with the head to the charges. Formulate a question like this: "I learned that Semenov gets more than I do for the same work. I am concerned about whether we are not violating the Labor Code, which guarantees equal pay regardless of gender, ethnicity, and other criteria. Explain to me, please, why our salaries are so different. "

Try to keep the same tone, as well as in the discussion less personal labor question. By "we," you give to understand that in no way blame the chief, and interested in, to protect the interests of the company, rather than a threat. Show me what you're trying to understand the issue and ask for help, and do not claim that this is discrimination.

Correct conversation will not spoil relations with the head if it adequate person and protect you - suddenly you do not know everything about a colleague, and there is an objective reason to pay him more. You always have time to reinforce the seriousness of the conversation. If the employer is in no hurry to answer, and refers to the employment, say when you get a coherent explanation. Tell me what you do not want to bother him with this question every day, and ask for a specific period.

Do not tell me how to recognize the break

You do not have to tell us how you learned about the wage gap. By the reaction of the chief of you will know whether the information is true, that you possess.

If he insists that you passed the source, say that you are now more important to discuss the reasons for the difference in salaries, and ask him to focus on the topic of conversation.

Combating gender gap: what to do if you are paid less than male colleagues

apply for legal protection

If the issue of unequal pay remains unresolved, you can always seek legal protection. In each region there is the State Labor Inspectorate, it was she who takes the complaint of a violation of the TC. Gather the necessary documents, make a statement and wait, when it will be considered. Inspectorate will send a warning to the employer itself is asking you to fix the violation, and appeal to the court if necessary.

Do you face or one of your friends to the gender gap at work?