As without weights know your weight? From physics to children's fun!

Every other girl in the world is dissatisfied with their appearance, and in most cases the main problem seems to be a figure. Needless to say, that often young girls simply exaggerate and turn a few extra kilograms accumulated during the New Year holidays, a catastrophe. Moreover, many of them do not realize that in fact the lush dinners did not affect their waist! The easiest way to see this - weigh. Well, if this is not possible? As without weights know your weight?

As without weights know your weight? From physics to children's fun!

Waist and weight

One of the easiest ways - refer to tape measures and own waist. There is a formula that allows us to know the approximate weight of a person. Make it very simple: make a measurement of waist circumference 2 centimeters above the navel, and then simply subtract the resulting figures 5 and find out how much you kilograms.

For example, your waist is 80 centimeters. According to formula 80-5 = 75 kg. Of course, this figure is not entirely accurate, but it is enough to determine the need to diet.

to speculate on the wrist

This method also is elementary, but unfortunately still less accurate than the volume waist experiment. Still, if you're worried about how to find the balance without the weight quickly, then you can help your wrist and growth. By the way, it does not even need a tape measure, which makes this option even more convenient calculation.

So, hold your wrist so that the thumb and index finger is free to join. If this trick succeeded without difficulty, then you treat astenik - people slim build. In this case, the formula for calculating the following: (height - 100) - (height x 0.1) = your approximate weight. For example, you could connect the fingers to the wrist and your height is 168 centimeters. Calculate: (168 - 100) - (168 x 0.1) = 51.2 kg. But this formula only works for this body type, and only in the absence of obesity apparent problems.

People who are not free to embrace your wrist, it is necessary to calculate the weight of a little different (height - 100) + (height x 0.1) = your approximate weight. In the example, this is: (168 - 100) + (168 x 0.1) = 84.8 kg. As you can see, the difference is palpable, so it is important to approach the measurement of wrist honest and remember that the ring finger should be free.

As without weights know your weight? From physics to children's fun!


This method is the most accurate of all the options on how to find out without weights his weight. But it is quite difficult and is suitable not for everyone. All the complexity is that it will take some effort and find the appropriate tools.

Thus, according to Archimedes' principle, any body that is submerged in the liquid, it will push out as much as the volume in the body itself. Translated into plain language - put yourself in a full bath or a barrel, collect the water, which in this case will result, and you will know your weight. Of course, for an adult, this method is hardly suitable, but if you are tormented by the question, how do you know the child's weight without weights, then Archimedes to help you.

Fill the baby bath to the brim, and place the baby. Part of the water necessarily will result. It remains only to find out its volume. To do this, there are two ways. Origin - collect liquid liter banks (conditionally taking 1 liter per 1 kilogram). The second - on the contrary, to fill the tub to the brim, considering how many liters of need.


You can find many more ways on how to find out without weights his weight. But the most fun are ordinary children's swings on which you want to ride together. You will need help of a friend or girlfriend, but rather two. It is important that he or she knew exactly your weight. And this is done simply, carefully stand on the swing and walk slowly towards each other. As soon as the two sides drew level, one of the assistants shall record the distance from each "weight" to the center. Further forward by the formula: weight other x (distance friend / your distance) = your weight.

As without weights know your weight? From physics to children's fun!

These simple techniques will tell you how to find out your weight without weights. BMI chart to help determine whether this figure is the norm. But better still buy the most simple mechanical scales and follow the figure to the nearest gram.