What is the body mass index

What is the body mass index (BMI)

What is the body mass index

in our lives is a concept introduced a Belgian statistician and sociologist Adolphe Quetelet. The body mass index - a value in which a person's weight is related to his height. With the help of it you can calculate whether the weight for your height is normal. But the method is not acceptable for children, the elderly, people who play sports professionally, pregnant women. For them has its own method of calculations.

How to calculate body mass index

BMI is calculated as follows: you need to weight in kilograms divided by height in inches squared. For example, a man weighing 80 kg with an increase of 180 cm would have the following BMI: 80/1, 80² = 22, 2. This result can be checked with the following standards.

Category first. BMI below 18, 5

Weight enough. To lose weight you do not exactly need. It is better to attend to than face a lack of body weight. You run the risk of having health problems such as lack of nutrients, the absence of the menstrual cycle (amenorrhea in women), brittle bones and other diseases. And the lower the BMI, the more you risk more.

the second category. A BMI of 18, 5 and 25

What is the body mass index

The weight is normal. You do not have to change your weight anymore. You are in the category of people who have minimal risk of disease due to weight problems. For young people under 25 years old is considered to be the best indicator of BMI from 22 to 23. If you are at the upper limit and you think that your weight is already excessive, the measure waist. The norm is the growth of minus 100 women, and up to 94 cm in circumference in men. All that is higher - the deviation from the norm. Should begin to pay attention to nutrition. Category Three. A BMI of 25, 0 and 30, 0

Overweight. While the risk to your health is low, but you already do feel discomfort, both psychological and physical. At this stage, you will help to proper nutrition. Attention should be paid to him in a decrease portions and lower calorie meals. Also enter a rule to do physical exercise. Yet you can handle the weight of their own, but not far off the time when you descend diseases associated with overweight.

Category Four. A BMI of 30, 0 and 35, 0

This, ladies and gentlemen, have a first degree of obesity. It looks like you've lost control of himself, and of its own weight, too. You yourself can not afford

What is the body mass index

to adjust eating habits properly. In this case, it makes sense to consult a doctor. A nutritionist will tell you how the treatment may prescribe certain medications. In this situation, the excess weight in the body has a disease and the risk of complications increases many times. The mortality rate of obese people is several times higher than in people with normal weight. And the more the weight increases, the more increases this threshold.

Category fifth and sixth obesity grade II and III

We have deliberately combined these into one category. Since no significant difference in the side effects of weight loss on these stages there. Obesity - a serious illness. It is complex in nature, often linked to lifestyle, eating habits, or heredity. The risk of complications of obesity is very high. It is necessary to see a specialist. It makes sense to think about surgical treatment, especially if you suffer from diabetes of the 2nd type. Be sure to think about this question, as the third degree of obesity provokes the appearance of cancer and disorders of the body of the system as a whole. We say nothing about how hard psychologically to people with such a large weight. After the operation, you can return to normal life and feel healthier person!