Girls pitching: health & beauty

Most of the ladies said that the power load - this is a purely masculine occupation, and to maintain the shape it is enough to withdraw a couple of lessons on the shaping or step aerobics. Indeed, how often did you see that in the gym fragile girl thrust iron? Girls pitching is not such a rarity, but it is not necessary to rush to extremes, in fact, weight training are useful to all.

Girls pitching: health & beauty

A set of muscle mass. Do I need?

Of course, dancing, and aerobics - is a great way to lose weight and tighten the figure, but this is not enough. Over time, the body gets used, and the weight will not move more with the place, and with it, the skin can lose its elasticity. Some girls are afraid of serious hiking in the gym, because not want to put in the category of "girls roll". In fact, exercise for weight training will help make your figure more toned. One has only to start, and increased muscle mass will consume the calories eaten by you, that will eventually lead to a more rapid weight loss. Plus, you'll look like a anoreksichku, the muscles will provide you with a beautiful body without excess fat. Women pitching photo that scares many, sought a form for many years, during training they used a variety of medicines and food supplements in order to have such a body, it is their informed choice, which cost half a lifetime spent in a rocking chair. The woman, in principle, difficult to build muscle than men, also have a number of programs made specifically for women. They are directed at strengthening the heart muscle and correcting problem areas. A category of "girls roll" - it is almost impossible goal, because requires a lot of time and effort.

Girls pitching: health & beauty

Workout and Nutrition

If you have seriously decided to engage in the gym, you should forget the word "diet". Of course, you will be able to lose weight by restricting your diet, but in the first place will take more than fat, and muscle. It is worth thinking about switching to sports nutrition, balanced and rich in proteins, since they are the basic building blocks of muscle. Such a diet is also called the "drying", resorting to it, if they want to reduce body fat percentage. Girls pitching adhere to the following diet:

  • no fat, only baked or cooked meat and vegetables;
  • to include products containing vitamins and minerals, such as fish, cheese, cottage cheese;
  • to avoid oil, sharp and highly salted foods;
  • has a better small meals 5-6 times a day;
  • bound to have cereals, dried fruits and nuts.

Beginners important not to overdo it with exercise. The first time to give the best time of squats, push-ups and a variety of twisting, do not forget about stretching.

Girls pitching: health & beauty

Do not hurt yourself

Before you enroll in a gym, it is better to go consult a doctor who will give the necessary instructions. People who have experienced a heart attack, suffering from hypertension, arrhythmia and asthma better to do gymnastics, but not weight training. Pregnant women should exercise at the gym with a back and only under the supervision of a trainer. And remember, your goal - elastic hip Defined abs and arms, rather than the chest muscles which become pitching. Girls must have sufficient muscle tone, it is useful not only to maintain the figure, but also for overall health.