How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

Today, many women are trying different ways to lose weight. Indeed, this problem lately is the leader. Some are turning to diets, while others spend hours training in the gym. As a rule, the correct approach to solving this problem, women can achieve the desired goal.

On the other hand, quite a few of those people who are trying different ways to gain weight at home. As practice shows, to achieve the desired performance is difficult enough in both cases.

, a small weight problem. Immediate causes of

If a girl is different lean figure since childhood, and she does not have any

health problems, most likely, it simply is the owner of asthenic physique. To see this, simply measure the wrist. Women with asthenic constitution this option is less than 16 cm.

How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

astenik usually different long legs, narrow chest. Muscles such people are poorly developed. On the other hand, they differ a good appetite and almost never indulge in sweets or baked goods. How to gain weight girl-astenik? In this case, the best option - seek qualified assistance from a fitness instructor. He can not just pick up a training program, but also gives an individual menu for every day.

In addition to the features of a constitution, it is also important to pay attention to the rate of metabolism. The thing is that lean people are more often owners of rapid metabolism. Confirm this fact possible only in laboratory conditions (the analysis on the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen in exhaled air stream).

According to experts, quite often the reason lies in the thinness with health problems. Especially be wary so the fair sex, whose weight began to plummet without apparent reason. In such a situation, before asking questions about how to get better, you will be required to undergo diagnostic tests. Among the most common causes of weight deficiency include the following:

• problems with the digestive tract work;

• thyroid disorders;

• curvature of the spine in the pelvis or waist;

• psychological problems, which entail a loss of appetite;

Excessive thinness - is not only ugly but also dangerous to health. Such girls often have problems with the length of the menstrual cycle, they constantly feel weak and dizzy, complain of reduced efficiency and poor immunity. In this case, the problem of excessive thinness requires an immediate solution. How to gain weight the girl? Today released a few effective ways to solve this problem.


Special meals - this is the main thing you should pay attention to every lady. How quickly gain weight girl with it? AT

How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

First of all, it is necessary to diversify eating habits more high-calorie foods. For every kilogram of body weight must not be less than 50 kcal per day. It is mandatory to have to adhere to the principles of fractional power: three main meals + three snack.

The diet can include cereal with milk, vegetable salad with olive oil, meat dishes and fish with vegetables in the form of pasta and potatoes. To solve the problem of how to recover the girl, it is important in every meal to combine carbohydrates and proteins.

As for snacks, in this case, an excellent option considered a wide variety of fruits, nuts, dried fruits. All these products are composed of a huge amount of minerals and vitamins.

Fast food and pastries are prohibited

Many female representatives in an effort to gain weight quickly begin to eat large portions of pastries, cakes and other high-calorie food. Such an approach to the issue will soon have a negative impact on health. Of course, when the super-active lifestyle diet will initially not be delayed in the form of extra kilos around the waist or hips. It is important to note that this phenomenon only temporary. The thing is that in the fast food and baking a large number of insalubrious fats, empty calories, sugar and other harmful components for digestion. Thus, all of these products - not the answer "how to gain weight skinny girl." Moreover, the constant use of fast food can cause problems with the pancreas and the entire digestive system as a whole.

The use of energy drinks

Energy cocktail implies such a drink, composed of

How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

primarily contains natural ingredients. Experts recommend drinking it in the morning for breakfast. For preparing the beverage products require the following: a cup whipping cream, 2 tablespoons of honey, two packets of cheese and a small amount of jam (optional). All components must be thoroughly mixed together in a blender. And then you can enjoy tasty and nutritious drink. This energy drink characterized by an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

How to stimulate appetite right?

We have already talked about what to eat to get better. Unfortunately, not all women can boast of an excellent appetite. Currently, a large number of different options for improving the natural desire to eat more. First of all, it's long walks. According to scientists, the more people spend time in nature, then so much the better will be his appetite. If you do not have time to walk, it is possible before the main meal to drink one glass of fresh natural juice. You can use vegetable and fruit options. In addition, do not allow the body to starve. There are recommended at least six times a day. Even if there is no appetite, you need to eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir. Postprandial can lie down to rest for 30 minutes. In this case, the food is better digested, and the question of how to gain weight the girl no longer be disturbed.

The Power of Sports

Of course, sport must be present in the lives of not only those who want to lose weight

How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

as soon as possible. Regular exercise contributes to weight gain due to the continuous growth of muscle tissue. How to gain weight fast girl in this case? In the first place, it is advisable to enroll in a gym to fitness to all exercises carried out under the supervision of an experienced coach. Sport has a positive effect on the figure, improves coordination, increases endurance. Experts do not recommend to get involved in aerobic classes (running, jumping rope, dancing), as they may inhibit muscle growth. Preference should be given swimming, walking.

Sleep and rest

Muscles are known to grow only during the break between the physical exertion. For greater effect in the process of weight gain is important to pay special attention to proper rest. Sleep is recommended for at least seven hours a day. You should not engage in sports up to three times a week (the muscles also need to rest). It is better to avoid stressful situations. In compliance with all of these recommendations serious changes will affect not only the body shape, but health in general. For example, many note positive changes in nervous system activity, the emergence of a greater endurance.


How to quickly recover the girl and make it right? Of course, it is essential to abandon the impact

How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

all bad habits. Here, above all, we are talking about alcohol and tobacco use. Alcohol provoke fluid retention in the body, adversely affect the metabolism and are composed of a lot of empty calories. Smoke boosts all metabolic processes continuously occur in the body, by about 10%. In order to replenish the spent energy they need to increase the amount of food as 10%. But better not to give up these bad habits.

The balance of vitamins and minerals

How to recover quickly and not to harm your body? Experts strongly recommend to constantly monitor the balance of vitamins and minerals. In this case, you may need to help the doctor. The thing is, it may be difficult to independently control the right balance of these substances in the body. The doctor usually appoints a number of tests, through which it is possible to monitor the deficit of certain minerals. Based on this information, are assigned multivitamin complexes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Balance of vitamins and minerals makes it possible to control the metabolic processes in the body, to monitor the proper functioning of it, to avoid the reduction of immune protection.

Help tablets and medicines

Lack of body weight more often than not is a separate symptom, and acts as the effects of the problems with both physical and mental health. Learning a doctor about which there are pills to gain weight, it is also important to ask about the possible adverse reactions.

How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

When making a choice in the direction of hormonal drugs, you should be aware that many of them do irreparable harm to the body. Moreover, very often to restore the old work of some of its systems almost impossible.

Among the most common drugs that may recommend a specialist, include oral contraceptives. The thing is that one of the side effects in this case is weight gain. If we believe the results of numerous studies, the hormonal drugs leads to a consistent increase in body weight, get rid of that later will be very difficult. Before you start taking the pill, it would be appropriate to compare the advantages and possible disadvantages of drugs.

How to quickly recover the girl without pills? Many women, deciding to gain weight, start taking brewer's yeast. Their main action is aimed at filling deficiency of certain vitamins and essential proteins groups, thereby significantly increasing the time course of metabolic processes in the body. Moreover, brewer's yeast to help:

  • to normalize the immune system;
  • display all slags and toxins from the body;
  • strengthen the vascular wall;
  • to reduce the amount of harmful fats in the blood.

Experts note that the brewer's yeast are considered to be a good addition to diet and exercise. They significantly improve the appetite and promote thorough digestion.

A special drinking mode

Doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids. Preference in this case should be given to the most common non-carbonated water, herbal infusions and berry Morse sugar. Water provokes withdrawal of existing toxins out of the body, which improves metabolism. Drinking daily at least two liters of plain water, you will not wonder about how to gain weight the girl.

How to gain weight the girl? How to recover the girl? What to eat to get better

Hormones and weight

Very often, excess or shortage of body weight depends on the imbalance in hormone levels. With the obvious shortage of weight is recommended to pass the appropriate blood test for hormones. The whole point is that the so-called thyroid hormones are responsible for the metabolic rate. With their abundance will be very difficult to recover.

If you have problems with regularity and frequency of the menstrual cycle, it is very important to promptly check the overall ratio of estrogen and testosterone. The imbalance of reproductive hormones may also affect body weight. In any case, their own should not engage in treatment. The results of analysis it is necessary to go on to a specialist consultation. He already recommend competent treatment, as well as talk about how to get better in this case.

And if you ignore the test results, a positive outcome is not to be expected in this situation.

The results on "How to recover the girl,"

In this article, we have examined only a few ways to increase body weight. For more information on this issue will need time to consult a specialist.

It is important to remember that daily weighing is not necessarily show immediate results. How to gain weight girl? A healthy diet, daily exercise, a positive attitude - are the main components of which are necessarily required to achieve the ultimate goal. Over time, it becomes noticeable weight gain and visual change shape, which should be encouraged to further studies. The initial phase of the "new life" may seem difficult, the main thing - do not give up, and constantly improve.