How to lose weight 10 kg: tips and tricks

Who among us has not encountered a situation requiring a relatively short time to lose 5-6, and preferably all of 10 kilograms? Many believe that it is very difficult, but in fact, we need only clearly observe certain rules, and you will soon become the owner of a thin waist.

How to lose weight 10 kg: tips and tricks

As lose weight by 10 kg : lower fat

If you want as soon as possible to throw weight, experts recommend consuming no more than 25 grams of fat per day. Be sure to keep in mind that these are not sufficient dose of fat for our bodies, so limiting its use costs no more than 2-3 weeks.

As lose weight by 10 kg Less simple carbohydrates

It is known that a large percentage of diets for quick weight loss is based on reducing the consumption of simple carbohydrates, which are found in flour products, sweets and sweet drinks. Indeed, high sugar content in blood involves increased insulin production. And the more our body produces insulin, the more he is forced to store fat tissue, which leads to a steady weight gain.

How to lose weight by 10 kg : fasting days Arrange yourself 1 or 2 times a week fasting days. An excellent option for this menu will be, for example, yogurt and fruit. Kefir is a good choice for these days, because it contains almost everything necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Fasting day will allow the rest of our digestive system, improve the regenerative processes in the body and helps get rid of most of the extra kilos.

How to lose weight 10 kg: tips and tricks

How to lose weight at 10 kg : serving size

This advice applies not only to wishing to lose weight, but also to all people: Try to eat slowly. Scientists have found that a sense of fullness comes to us gradually, in about 15-20 minutes after eating. In addition, it is possible to gradually decrease the portions. If you set the task of losing weight, the portion size must not exceed 250 ml for women and 300 ml for men. Also, if possible, go to the five meals. It will improve your metabolism and increase fat burning.

Lose weight fast by 10 kg : exercise

If you want to quickly lose weight, then a proper diet will not be enough. If you plan to not only lose weight, but also a little to tighten muscles, the main emphasis should be placed exactly on the exercise. The best option would be aerobic exercise at least 3-4 times a week. Also help to lose weight classes brisk walking and jogging. But if you are a complete man, then you run contraindicated, since it gives more undesirable stress on the joints. How to lose weight 10 kg: tips and tricks

Rapid weight loss of 10 kg: Recommendations

Most doctors strongly recommended to lose weight quickly. Since rapid weight reset even a few kilograms it is always a lot of stress to the body. In addition, quite often after such a diet weight very quickly returned. If you still decided to try in a short time to improve the figure, do not forget about fixing the result. To do this, you may have to completely change your lifestyle, spending more time active pastime and exercise.