How to create a menu for weight loss?

How to create a menu for weight loss?

thinking about weight loss problem, most women try to find a perfect diet menus to weight loss was rapid and painless. But miracles, as we know, does not happen. Accordingly, all opinions about products with supposedly defunct calorie, which allow to lose weight, are just a myth. In fact, weight loss is solely due to the reduction of the total caloric intake. Accordingly, the main task in this case - make the right diet menu that will yield the desired result. Thinking through your diet, should take into account some special features. For example, weight loss should be gradual, in the case of too rigid fasting person can be in a constant state of stress, which is not a positive effect on his health.

How to create a menu for weight loss?

The principles of drawing up the menu

Before you create a menu for weight loss, it is necessary to understand that it must be completely balanced. No severe restrictions it should not be present in principle. Too poor nutrition lead to a spike in blood sugar, which in turn starts the various processes that slow weight loss. For example, the important point is that the diet menu for weight loss should not contain fast carbohydrates, which include a variety of sweets and pastries. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to abandon the slow carbohydrates, which are required to be present in the diet in any way, but on condition that they are distributed evenly throughout the day. These include foods rich in fiber, which helps to organize the work of the digestive system and nourish the body with energy. Accounting for weight loss menu, do not forget about the proteins, the use of which is mandatory if you exercise. And the average diet, there should be at least two grams per kilogram of body weight. As for fats, they include a system should be very careful, especially if they are of animal origin. Nevertheless, we should not forget about the fish, which contains useful for the smooth operation of the body polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How to create a menu for weight loss?


Any menu for weight loss should include some meals, as most of it is built on the principles of the so-called fractional power. It is advisable to saturate your body with no less than six times a day, but the number of pieces of content should be minimal. This will avoid overeating and do not feel hungry during the day. In addition, the diet menu which contains a few meals would "disperse" a metabolism to the desired level of work, which in turn will contribute to the loss of extra kilograms. Before you begin to observe compiled mode, it should be compulsory to consult a doctor, as some chronic diseases deny the possibility of diet restriction.