How many calories a day you need to lose weight without a strict diet?

Everyone wants to have a beautiful slender figure, but few people can get it, without resorting to physical exercise and diet. But what if exercise is not enough time, and endure various diets simply do not have power? The solution is simple - enough to count daily calories and stick to it. Immediately the question arises: "How many calories a day you need to lose weight?" It all depends on age, height, weight, as well as the level of physical activity of a person. Very much depends on the rate of metabolism. At an elevated metabolic rate, a person needs more calories, and vice versa.

How many calories a day you need to lose weight without a strict diet?

Formula counting

There are many formulas by which you can calculate how much to consume calories per day to lose weight. They all contain a factor that should be multiplied by the desired weight for you (on the weight that you want to have, not the one that you have at the moment).

Learn to count calories

So let's learn how to count, how many calories a day you need to lose weight. To do this sufficiently perform the necessary mathematical operations from the following formulas.

Formula 1

Step One. The calculation of basic metabolism at complete rest


  • from 18 to 30 years (body weight x 0 + 2 0621, 0355) x 240;
  • from 31 to 60 years (body weight x 0 0342 + 3 5274) × 240;
  • 60 years (body weight x 0 + 2 0377, 7546) x 240.


  • from 18 to 30 years (body weight x 0 + 2 0630, 8958) x 240;
  • from 31 to 60 years (body weight x 0 0484 + 3 6533) × 240;
  • 60 years (body weight x 0 + 2 0491, 4586) x 240.

Step Two. Calculation on exertion

To obtain the required quantity of basal metabolism multiply the result by a factor of physical activity:

  • 1, 1 - low physical activity (up to 2 hours per week);
  • 1, 3 - moderate physical activity (3 to 5 hours per week);
  • 1, 5 - high physical activity (from 7 hours in a week).

If you do not exercise, it is best not to select any one of the coefficients of physical activity, as you simply add the extra calories that your body will not spend.

The third step

To the obtained result is added 10% (based on the total amount of calories that are necessary for the body to digest food).

Formula 2

The desired weight is multiplied by one of the coefficients:

  • 27 - if you absolutely do not exercise;
  • 29 - if rarely do any exercise (once a week);
  • 34 - if the exercise 2-4 times per week (about 3-4 hours per week);
  • 37 - if the exercise 3-5 times a week (about 4 to 5 hours per week);
  • 42 - if you exercise every day (7 hours per week).
How many calories a day you need to lose weight without a strict diet?

The nuances of

Correctly calculate calories - does not mean to get the desired result. Still required to know how to eat. To lose weight, you must limit the consumption of certain products, namely flour and sweet, fatty, fried. It is necessary to completely give up fast food, chips, sweet drinks, convenience foods. It is necessary to develop a diet. It is desirable to give up various snacks or else replace them with fresh fruit and vegetables, fresh. The ideal embodiment will be fed four times a day with an interval of 3 h. It is undesirable to consume food in less than two hours before bedtime. For better results in half an hour before a meal, you can drink one or two glasses of water, with nothing to drink two hours after.

Calorie Counter

In addition to the set of formulas, there are various counters that will determine how many calories a day you need to lose weight. In addition, they can be used to count the calories consumed by you. It's enough to enter the data: what product you have eaten and how much, and the counter already make all the necessary calculations. Use counters is much easier than to make all the calculations on their own, as they contain a ready-made information about a particular food product.

Force majeure These formulas are not always valid. Usually they count the approximate amount, as to reliably determine how many calories a day you need to lose weight, they are not able. If during the first week you will not see results (from 800 to 1200 grams or more), it is sufficient to reduce the level of calories consumed per hundred units weekly. Often, such that the body gets used to the minimum amount of calories and ceases to drop weight. In this case it is necessary to gradually increase and decrease the amount of calories consumed, so that the body is unable to adjust to some norm.

Quick result

Of course, counting calories, you'll get results, but it is better to combine this method with physical activity, even if minimal. In this way, you not only get rid of the extra kilos, but also will save your skin from stretch marks and sagging.

How many calories a day you need to lose weight without a strict diet?

A further effect and the use of

A more efficient embodiment would be the combination of exercise and calorie counting with various water treatments and massages. This will not only speed up zhiroszhigatelny process, but also make your skin silky and velvety.